MMT Blog

Midsize Manufacturers Expect Revenue Gains to Continue in 2013

Buying group survey indicates optimism is strong as revenues are projected to increase and a record number of manufacturing firms are hiring

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National Manufacturing Day

People and organizations across the nation drove home the message that manufacturing provides immense opportunities for today's youth. Here is one such effort to encourage people to discover manufacturing on their own.

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The Government Shutdown: Short-term Pain, Long-term Disaster

OK, now I'm upset. Every workday morning I fire up my computer, log onto the Internet, and read all of the relevant economic data releases for that day. But when Congress decided to allow the shutdown of the federal government yesterday, one of the many bureaus that was closed was the Census Bureau. And since nobody is currently working at the Census Bureau, there is nobody there to release the data that they usually report every month.

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Women in Manufacturing

Recently, I've noticed that I've been spending some quality time (unplanned) with a bunch of great women in manufacturing--from machine tool and cutting tool company representatives and marketing/agency contacts to mold shop owners and association leaders. All of whom are women in positions of power and influence and who share the same passion for manufacturing as I do. During a trip last week I learned about a "Women in Manufacturing" group, so I thought I'd pass on the information.

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Maximizing the Manufacturing Process with an Injection Press

Minimize the overall costs of your customer’s project with the addition of a press.

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Think Metric, Part 3

Insight from several technology suppliers—in design software, mold components, programming, machines, cutting tools and measurement equipment who have been following the metric trend—may help to make the transition a smooth one.

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Integrating Electrode Production

How CAD/CAM can help make the design, machining and inspection of electrodes completely integrated.

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Working Your Way through the Welding Options

There are plenty of choices in welding technologies for mold repair. Here, a toolroom supervisor and his team share some at-the-bench knowledge of them to help you decide which one’s right for you.

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Increasing Electrode Efficiency at Cavalier Tool & Manufacturing

The goal of Cavalier Tool & Manufacturing is to grow the business without adding bodies.

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An ad for Formnext Chicago on April 8-10, 2025.
Custom mold components from Regal Components
Progressive Components
YCM Technology (USA) Inc.
Molded to Perfection
SolidCAM World 2024
MoldMaking Technology Magazine
FormNext Chicago