MMT Blog

In the Trenches: I Need a Crash Cart in Here

A look at what you may want to stock in your facility’s “crash cart” to respond appropriately to press emergencies.

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Reducing NC Machining Cycle Times

A look at the main benefits of tool path optimization.


Maximize Results with Copper Alloy Molds

These most common mistakes can lead to failure in the application of copper alloys in mold tooling.

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Output of Plastics Products Was Strong in Q3

Despite all of the economic turmoil and uncertainty caused by the shutdown of the federal government in recent weeks , the U.S. plastics industry posted another strong performance in the third quarter.

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The Tool and Die Guy

It's always fun to find people out there on the internet ready and willing to share their tricks of the trade. While doing some research for an article I came across the Tool and Die Guy.

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Look at Laser Ablation Lately?

We first covered laser ablation being applied in moldmaking back in 2011, but in recent months we've been hearing a lot more about it. This prompted us to reached out to industry for some insight that I thought I'd share.

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Industry 40

Can Virtual Reality Engage the Unmotivated Student?

Principal Rex Kozak at East Marshall High School in LeGrand, Iowa, says YES! And his virtual reality-based educational program is proof.

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Molds for Thinner Cheaper Plastic

Procter & Gamble is now building a plastic processing plant to coincide with the formation of a new subsidiary called iMFLUX, Inc., whose team brings with it 150 years of experience to develop new plastics processing technology for injection molding.

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Back to the Economy: Where Are We Now?

Now that we have endured another round of idiocy from Washington, it will be useful to recap the current state of the economy. So here is where we are, and where it looks like we are going for the next few quarters (assuming Congress does nothing stupid):

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A Case of Good Engraving

Plastic, pizza and Papa Johns. Here's a brief story about how one laser engraving and polishing company saved its customer time and money with the right engraving strategy.

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Work Smart and Hard

Mike Rowe is at it again ... in a good way! He continues to campaign for our next generation of skilled workers and this time he shares his take on this old poster that reflected the country's mindset about work.

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3D Printing

Front and Center

Colleague Matt Naitove, Executive Editor for Plastics Technology magazine, is front and center for the premier of an exciting new technology in additive manufacturing from Arburg, a leading manufacturer of high-end injection molding machines for plastics processing.

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Custom mold components from Regal Components
An ad for Formnext Chicago on April 8-10, 2025.
Progressive Components
YCM Technology (USA) Inc.
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