MMT Blog

3D Printing

Digital Ed of Nov Additive Manufacturing Supplement Ready

The digital edition of MoldMaking Technology's November 2013 Additive Manufacturing Supplement is now available.

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Just When You Get Used to Blogs, In Comes Vlogs

So, what do you get when you put the industry's hottest topic together with the latest in social media and content delivery? A vlog. A new series of videos-blogs (“vlogs”) set up to help bridge the skills gap by demonstrating how technology can help end-users increase their overall productivity while maintaining lean operations.

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Tool Steel

Reconsidering Aluminum

One mold maker sheds light on the advantages of this material from a machining and handling standpoint. Another argues that it can indeed be a viable alternative to tool steel beyond just prototyping and short-run applications.

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A Lifetime Guarantee

2013 Leadtime Leader Honorable Mention Micro Mold Co. of Erie, Penna. believes that its team of moldmakers builds the very best tools in the plastics industry, so much so that they now offer a Lifetime Guarantee.

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3D Printing

‘Tis the Season for a Spotlight on Consumers

You know what annoys me about this time of year? The hyper-focus on consumer spending. Everybody wants to express an opinion about whether or not consumers are going to spend a lot during the holiday shopping season. I am going to try to avoid adding noise to all of this holiday hype. But that does not mean that the recent trends in the data that measure consumer fundamentals are not relevant.

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New Tech for the Mold Shop

I’m not sure how many moldmakers attended Sodick’s “Smart Technology” open house in Schaumburg, Illinois last month, but the offerings unveiled at the event were particularly relevant to our corner of the industry.

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MoldMaking Technology's November Digital Ed is Available

The digital November issue of MoldMaking Technology is now available. The cover story highlights how wire EDM has gone 3D for moldmaking operations.

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Supply Chain

Moser on the Move ...

And continuing to make manufacturing waves. Harry Moser, founder of the Reshoring Intiative, hit Fox Business with his answer to the question: "Is this country doing enough to bring jobs home?"

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The Data is in, and It's Looking Good

Forecasted spending for new equipment in 2014 indicates strong growth in the metalworking industry, particularly among mold manufacturers.

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CMM and CAD/CAM Combo Helps Shop Reverse Engineer Broken Tools

Standard Pattern has been fulfilling a growing demand for 3D models of lost and broken tools. As many tools age and break, creating 3D models is the most cost-effective way to make new tools to replace the old ones.

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Feeling the Love on the West Coast

I hate to admit it, but last week was my first trip to the Annual Mike Koebel Moldmakers Trade Fair in Pomona, Calif., and shame on me because what a nice, solid group of industryfolk who continue to support this local event. It was a pleasure to witness the mold building community out on the West Coast.

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Manufacturing Indicators Push Higher in October

The early indications are that the manufacturing sector did much better than expected in October. And if conditions continue to rise, then it is a near certainty that more molds and tooling will be required. This prediction is bolstered by the fact that output of plastics products has grown vigorously during the past year while capacity utilization rates have held steady. If I owned a mold shop, I would plan on improving business conditions in the coming year.

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YCM Technology (USA) Inc.
SolidCAM World 2024
MMT Today enews
Molded to Perfection
An ad for Formnext Chicago on April 8-10, 2025.
Custom mold components from Regal Components
YCM Technology (USA) Inc.