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Building Plans, Taking Action: A Personal Challenge to the Moldmaking Community

Stop worrying and start solving your mold shop problems - one small step can get you moving.


For 27 years, I’ve had the privilege of serving the moldmaking community, sharing stories, solutions and strategies to tackle the challenges you face every day. At MoldMaking Technology, we frame our case studies around a simple yet powerful structure: Problem, Solutions, Results. It’s a format that showcases how real-world obstacles are overcome with actionable strategies, leading to measurable outcomes.

This approach got me thinking — what if we applied this framework not just to the stories we share, but to the bigger challenges we face in our lives and businesses? How can we move from identifying a problem to taking action and seeing results?

Time and again, I hear the same concerns in our industry: “We can’t find workers.” “There’s no mold design training available.” These issues resonate deeply because they’ve persisted for years, leaving many feeling stuck. But here’s the thing: no problem is insurmountable. Sometimes, all it takes is a shift in mindset to go from stewing over a problem to starting a plan.

Today, I want to share my personal story to show how the Problem, Solutions, Results framework has shaped my own life — and inspire you to take action on that big issue you’ve been avoiding.

Thirteen years ago, I wrote about my son Gabe for the first time. He was seven years old, navigating life with Williams Syndrome and our lives were a whirlwind of IEP meetings, therapy sessions and appointments. Gabe has recently turned 21 and the challenges have since evolved. Now, we’re focused on ensuring he can lead an independent, safe, healthy and fulfilling life after aging out of school district programs. 

This transition forced me to confront hard questions: “What happens next? How do we prepare? What solutions can we create?” The scary truth is that most adults with intellectual disabilities live with their aging parents and I knew I wanted something different for Gabe. So, I turned my anxiety into action. 

When Gabe was 17 in 2020, I approached our local YMCA with an idea: a program called “Life After 21.” It’s designed to fill a critical gap by providing daily programming for adults with intellectual disabilities. The result? A plan that not only benefits Gabe but also serves the wider local special needs community. It wasn’t going to be easy, but it’s necessary. 

Now, think about the challenges you’ve been mulling over in your shop. The labor shortage. The lack of training. The outdated processes. What’s your “Life After 21” moment? What big problem have you been avoiding because it seems too daunting? I’m here to tell you: you don’t have to have all the answers. But you do need a plan. 

Start by reaching out. Network. Share your concerns and ideas with peers, customers and experts. Moldmaking is a collaborative industry, and no one succeeds alone. Whether it’s finding new talent, adopting new technologies or creating innovative training programs, you can build something better —not just for your shop, but for the entire industry. 

If my story resonates with you, I’d love to hear from you. Let me help share your journey, connect you with resources or simply encourage you to take the first step. Together, we can move from problems to solutions. Let’s make it happen. 

Reach out to me and let’s begin building!

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