MMT Blog

Mold Cooling Options

A look at three options for integrating conformal cooling into a core or cavity with an emphasis on vacuum brazing.

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Mold Cleaning Done Right Takes a Systematic Approach

Mold cleaning is just one part of a systematic and comprehensive approach to mold maintenance. Here’s one moldmaker’s strategy for injection mold cleaning and an explanation of where and why different techniques are employed.

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Cutting Tool Considerations as Mold Complexity Increases

A look from the shop floor at some of the factors to consider during your cutting tool selection decision-making process to optimize your mold machining operations.

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Case Study

Attaining Outside Expertise Yields New Market Niche

“The skills and capabilities that Image brings augment our capabilities tremendously.”

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Raising Repair Techs

Raising that next generation of mold repair technicians with a school to registered apprenticeship program.

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Advanced Tools Supercharge Rough Machining

Square shoulder milling and face milling with economy and performance.

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Cutting Tools

Conquering the Complex Task of Tool Optimization

Standard coatings can help, but to achieve really impressive results all the factors must be coordinated with one another—from the base material of the tool to the post treatment of the coating.

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Efficient Maintenance Requires a Calculated Plan

Advancing from a mold repair culture to a mold maintenance culture can only be fully supported with a companywide understanding of what the real costs are and what the real potential savings can be.

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A Degree that Pays

More technology suppliers have partnered up to form an apprenticeship program designed to develop the experts we need in the modern, next generation workforce--the NCTriangle Apprenticeship Program (NCTAP), which is affiliated with Apprenticeship 2000 and the NC Department of Commerce's Apprenticeship & Training Bureau.

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How to Optimize Moldmaking Milling Operations

The lead angle of your cutter has a dramatic effect on not only the chip that you generate, but also the cutting forces in both the axial and the radial directions.

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Related Technical Instruction Options

Finding, Training & Retaining Employees, Part 6

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Déjà vu … All Over Again

As an economist, I have spent my whole career trying to forecast the expansions and contractions of the U.S. economy. Forecasting was difficult enough under normal circumstances, but it is impossible when one must factor in the shenanigans of Congress. This alone is reason enough to shrink the size of the federal government. If they had less power (and by power I mean money), then they could do less damage. And damage is all that they seem to be able to do recently.

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