MMT Blog

Mold Industry Continues to Slip

46.7 Total Mold Business Index for September 2008 The total Mold Business Index is a weighted average of the sub-indices for new orders, production, employees, backlog, exports and supplier deliveries.

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Plate Positioning Perfected

Consider a positive precision plate device to overcome the risks and uncertainties inherent with springs and spring limiters.

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Tool Steel

Material Matters

Hardness, machinability and strength are the bottom line as materials manufacturers and suppliers continue to reduce moldmakers’ leadtimes without sacrificing quality or cost.

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Nanotechnology Benefits to the Mold

Nano-formulated mold coatings can address the part fill and release challenges that come with highly complicated design requirements, expedited manufacturing expectations and high raw material prices for molds and resins.

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Part Two of a Two-Part Series EDM’s Effect on Surface Integrity

To improve the potential for success in quality mold production, moldmakers need to understand some specific characteristics of the electrode material as well as certain facets of the EDM process that affect surface finish and integrity.

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Low-Volume Layered Manufacturing: Parts without Limits

An alternative design and manufacturing method that uses a layer-by-layer process, virtually eliminating part design constraints that exist with traditional manufacturing processes, such as CNC machining and injection molding.

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Is It Still Time to Reach for a Die Profiler?

Pointers for bringing a polished surface to a high mirror finish. You have finished machining your mold core and cavity and removed them from your CNC machine. The mold components are machined in tough H-13 steel and contain several deep grooves and slots that must be properly polished to allow the molded part to eject. What is the best method for bringing the polished surface to a high mirror finish?

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Market Looks Razor Sharp

Great strides continue to be made in the cutting tool/toolholder market that result in reduced benchtime and additional handwork, as well as heavier depths-of-cut—adding up to increased productivity and higher accuracy.

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Innovation May Be the Answer

The results of a recent MoldMaking Technology magazine survey (January 2008) show “foreign competition” as the #1 challenge for the moldmaking industry.

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Jim Meinert: An International Success

The world is his marketplace as this industry veteran goes from running an American mold shop to consulting clients in sales and marketing—here and abroad.

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Mold Industry Bending, But Not Breaking

50.5 Total Mold Business Index for August 2008 The total Mold Business Index is a weighted average of the sub-indices for new orders, production, employees, backlog, exports and supplier deliveries.

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Measure Your Success for Rough Milling Improvements

In moldmaking, most applications still follow the traditional two- or three-phase process consisting of rough/pre-finish/finish, in order to hold tolerances. The following article will focus on the first phase of operations—the roughing phase—and how shops can improve rough milling applications with new strategies and cutting tools.

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Custom mold components from Regal Components
Mold Machining
Molded to Perfection
MoldMaking Technology Magazine
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YCM Technology (USA) Inc.
Custom mold components from Regal Components