MMT Blog

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It has been 10 years since we launched MoldMaking Technology magazine, and we believe it’s time to introduce to you MMT Insider.

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Tool Steel

Tool Steel and Heat Treatment, Part 2

Tool steel, its classification, heat treatment and how to consider manufacturing methods in relation to heat treatment and the metallurgy of heat treatment.

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Cutting Tools

The Myth of Cutting Tool Cost

Evaluating machining productivity by comparing tooling cost to tooling productivity.

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Optimizing Plastic Injection Mold Materials with FEA

Tooling cost reduction can be achieved with up-front engineering via company collaboration and simulation technologies based on finite element analysis.

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Constraint Management: How to Break a Roadblock

Learning how to get the most out of what your shop has today.

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Why You Need to Inspect the Part to See the Mold

In the simplest terms, a good mold is one that makes good parts. When your customer is making good parts, no one questions the mold. It’s when the parts are not meeting spec that the mold—as one of the main elements of the molding system—is called into question. In these situations, one common proposal is to measure the mold to ensure that it conforms to the designed dimensions.

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Software Suppliers Seek Common Platforms for Mold Development

The goal is efficient data transfer that significantly reduces mold build cycles and increases margins.

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What Kind of a Sales Engineer Is Best for Your Company

By creating a hybrid sales engineer with the willingness to wait, the keen eye for the “me too” sale, the technical training to converse in techno-ease and the desire for lasting relationships, you can and will experience great rewards.

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Maintenance Manuals That Work

Organized maintenance manuals can offer an advantage that electronic data does not.

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Rotating Stack Mold Technology Offers Multi-Shot Capability, High-Volume Production

A turning stack mold technology has been developed to meet the rigors of in-mold labeling (IML) production needs that combines high-volume production with multi-shot capability.

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DSSP: The Catalyst for a New Revolution

One CAD short- coming—a frequent disconnect between the final manufactured product and the idealized CAD model—is being addressed with digital shape sampling and processing.

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My Olympic Experience

Last month I wrote about the shifting fortunes of China, and how excited my wife, Debbie, and I were to have tickets to attend the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. I promised to report what we found there, so here’s what we experienced: nothing. We didn’t go. As it turned out, the “company” that we purchased our tickets through last year turned out to be a scam. From what we’ve been able to learn, this “front” created an incredibly elaborate network of physical and online attributes—offices, phone numbers, Web sites, messaging—that fooled thousands of others around the world.

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