MMT Blog

Working with Competitors Builds Business for Michigan Companies

A manufacturing co-op expands markets, saves money and keeps small companies in business.

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Auto Nozzle Makes Minimum Quantity Lubrication Hands-Free

Minimum quantity lubrication, or MQL—also called near-dry machining—applies cutting fluid in ounces instead of gallons.

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Are We Being Commoditized?

Look around. Whether you’re a supplier that thinks you’re special or a buyer that thinks you have a product that no one can afford not to bid on, you’re fooling yourself. There are many reasons for this.

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Considerations for a High-Feed Milling Strategy

High-feed milling is becoming the chosen methodology for removing as much material as possible in the shortest amount of time, as more shops equip themselves with high-speed CNC machining capability and sophisticated CAM programs.

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Top 10 Machine Vision Improvement Opportunities

As the global manufacturing market continues to get more competitive, it is important to ensure that automation processes are running at peak efficiency levels. Any process-related malfunction is considered downtime, and directly impacts company profitability. Machine vision is an area that, when set up correctly, can reduce process inefficiencies.

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Two for One

The MoldMaking Expo will be taking place alongside NPE, the triennial, international plastics show (

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Statistical Process Control: Beyond the Data

Statistical process control used correctly allows moldmakers to connect data sources, collect data and issue failure alarms in real-time.

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The Common Ground Between Moldmaking and Aerospace

Many of the proven technologies used for mold and die machining can also be used in difficult to machine aerospace materials.

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Think Global, Act Local!

Scan the headlines today and the news ranges from simply insane to the absurd.

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Business Opportunities in Aircraft Rise Above Economic Turmoil

Moldmakers who adapt to changing markets will find demand for their skills in aerospace.

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The American Manufacturing Trade Action Coalition

This grassroots effort pledges to raise awareness on this country’s current trade policy and effect change to level the playing field in regards to U.S. manufacturing.

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How to Decrease Your Internal Mold Maintenance Costs, Part 1

With an ultrasonic cleaning system, a mold shop can realize savings in cost, time and labor, as long as they are educated on the technology, the cleaning solutions and what works best for their particular situation/environment.

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An ad for Formnext Chicago on April 8-10, 2025.
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