MMT Blog

When to Shift: Conventional Molding or Rapid Manufacturing?

To make intelligent decisions of when to use one process over another, certain considerations must fall into place. This discussion will deal with laser sintering.

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Measuring CAD Skills Gives Greater Efficiency

CAD is at the heart of modern manufacturing and moldmaking. But just how good are people at using the CAD tools they are given? This article reviews the options for assessing the skills and training needs of CAD users.

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How to Survive an Economic Apocalypse

The private business sector is in trouble and if you’re one of the 75 percent of mid-sized companies that’s not increasing in value, it’s time to adapt or die. It’s time to emulate the business superstars called Midas Managers—the less-than-one-percent of all business people who intuitively know how to create wealth. It’s not that you can become a Midas Manager—the vast majority of us simply don’t have the right stuff—but you can study what they do and learn their tricks. Following are eight steps your shop can take to survive an economic apocalypse.

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Equipment Expansion Lands Additional Customers

Adding equipment to the shop floor not only accommodates existing customers, but also can serve as an investment in securing work from new customers.

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Hot Runner Temperature Control: A Low-Investment Solution for Challenging Molding

To understand the importance of hot runner controls, you need to examine how they actually control temperature, processing implications and mold design considerations.

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Next Recovery Phase Expected Late this Year

41.3 Total Mold Business Index for February 2009 The total Mold Business Index is a weighted average of the sub-indices for new orders, production, employees, backlog, exports and supplier deliveries.

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The Table Maker

I recently participated in a meeting of peers and educators. Following the initial presentation, the conversation turned to the general state of the industry and economy.

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How to Decrease Your Internal Mold Maintenance Costs, Part 2

A look at the ultrasonic cleaning process in detail, discussing cleaning detergents, process layout and return on investment.

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Benefits of Using the Right Measurement Tool

How to accelerate design review with the right measurement tool and what to look for in the tools you select for measurement and checking of thickness on 3-D models.

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Rapid Molding Process Provides Economic Alternative to CNC Machining of Components

A rapid casting process has been developed that serves as an economic alternative to CNC machining, die and investment casting, and sand casting with machining.

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Tom Mullikin: No Voice Is Too Small

This lawyer-turned grassroots advocate urges everyone to get involved in the fight to save American manufacturing.

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Now Is the Time to Assert Yourself

I speak frequently to contract manufacturers and job shops about their businesses. Despite the economic conditions we hear about everyday in the media, many machining and metalworking businesses are busy or are maintaining their orders at 2008 levels. Things still have to be made, even in times like these. Everything may just work out, they say.

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