MMT Blog

Berrien Tool Coalition: A Marketing Edge

This group of companies delivers a full-systems approach to manufacturing—art to part and every-thing in between.

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Early Collaboration, Part Design Involvement Key to Global Growth in Packaging

This mold manufacturer has achieved success by partnering with manufacturers in the packaging and closure markets on innovative plastic part designs—not simply providing a mold quote.

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Evaluating Mold Quality

Quality is the name of the game in manufacturing. It’s not just about quality products, it’s about quality processes—from receiving to shipping, TQM, QA, quality service and delivery. Every facet of the manufacturing process has been assigned standards and how well those standards are met is an indication of the quality of that particular product, process or service. Quality products require quality materials, processes, equipment and tooling—specifically in the case of injection molded parts, quality molds.

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A Refurbishing To-Do List

The following steps represent a major refurbishment that will increase tooling life and reduce the cost of manufacturing and secondary operations in molding facilities.

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Configured Components Help Save Time And Costs, and Maximize Efficiency

How to achieve big cost and time savings in your mold work by streamlining the mold design and ordering process. How using standard mold components can enable you to spend more time designing and building molds instead of all the components that go into them.

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Wind Power Industry Opportunities Blowing Our Way

Moldmakers wishing to tap into this growing market should do their research and reach out to both wind power industry experts to learn about windmills and cutting tool suppliers to learn what it takes to enter this field.

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The Digital Office: Improving Efficiency and Productivity in Your Back Office

Simple and affordable document management solutions that can have a powerful impact on your shop’s bottom line.

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Amateurs Talk Tactics, Professionals Talk Logistics

A friend of mine likes to use this phrase from the military to guide and assess business strategies. I think it applies to the U.S. as a guide to regain and grow a strong manufacturing base. “We need a clearly enunciated, lucid, pragmatic national manufacturing policy in the U.S. And we need it now.” You may read that and think it’s an obvious thing to say. But if it is, why don’t we have one?

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Finding Your Voice

We bounced the idea around for weeks and finally on the morning of this September 11th, my husband and I looked at each other and said, “It’s time.

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How to Boost Lean Manufacturing with Ultrasonic Mold Cleaning

With its considerable cost savings and reduction in personnel and time, ultrasonic cleaning is a natural corollary to lean manufacturing for the moldmaking industry.

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Activity Levels Indicate Uptrend Starting

55.2 Total Mold Business Index for September 2009 The total Mold Business Index is a weighted average of the sub-indices for new orders, production, employees, backlog, exports and supplier deliveries

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Supply Chain Risk, Volatility Offer Opportunity

As I write this, reports are circulating about the U.S. economy showing signs of rebounding. But until unemployment begins to rise with any significance and housing foreclosures slow down, I’m skeptical. Without demand, there’s no supply. But as precarious as things are—and as far as U.S. manufacturing has suffered during and before this Great Recession—opportunities do still exist for machining businesses in the U.S.

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YCM Technology (USA) Inc.
Molded to Perfection
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Custom mold components from Regal Components
MoldMaking Technology Magazine
Mold Machining