MMT Blog

Electrode Material Effect on CNC EDM, Part 1

When all the factors of the EDM process are taken into consideration, savings on the electrode material cost can result in a much larger overall cost.

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Tribrid Modeling for Mold Manufacture

Moldmakers can benefit from tribrid modeling—a design approach developed by adding triangle modeling to the combination of surface and solid modeling currently in many CAD packages.

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Demystifying NC Program Optimization

Understanding the true meaning of optimization will help mold manufacturers optimize their NC program feedrates—saving them money while allowing them to machine parts more efficiently, improve part quality, make cutters last longer and reduce machine wear.

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Gradual Recovery in the Coming Months

Total Mold Business Index for February 2010: 45.1

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Supply Chain

How to Develop Strategies For Globalization

The main challenge in dealing with any strategy for business growth is that it is interdependent with opportunities and being prepared to capitalize on them when they occur.

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Strategic Communications For Management

One of the 10 most valuable lessons I’ve learned about strategic communications in more than 20 years of work in law, government and issue management is this: “Assume the moral high ground early and make your opponent knock you off.” This means highlighting and communicating to key constituencies the elements of a business decision that are in accordance with public sentiments.

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Tool Steel

Materials Prices: Short-Term Pain May Result in Long-Term Gain

At first glance, the accompanying chart of steel prices tells a disturbing story.

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Capitalizing on a Packaging Niche

Top Grade Molds Ltd. (TGM; Mississauga, ON) has always been known for its thin-wall, open top molds for the industrial packaging market.

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What Buyers Want May Not Be What They Want

Rather than asking “What Do Buyers Want?” it makes more sense to target the “pain points” that buyers in manufacturing and industrial markets are feeling these days and model your messaging and tactics to define your business as “pain relief.”

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Getting Up to Spec

Steps to follow for discovering needed information about inherited tooling.

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Tooling Design for Silicone Molding

One of the biggest challenges in mold design for silicone molding is the runnerless molding system or cold deck.

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