MMT Blog

Tool Steel

Choose the Right Cutting Tool Strategy to Machine Efficiently and Affordably

A look at a couple current cutting tool technology trends: aluminum machining: face milling and mold steel machining: high-feed milling.

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Robot ROI

How to properly calculate the payback or return on investment of a robot installation into the mold build process.

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Sustained Commitment to Automation Reaps Rewards

Through consistent automation strategies, one mold shop was able to implement new equipment and ramp up training, allowing them to accelerate out of tough times and be prepared for upcoming business opportunities.

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Still Geared up for Gradual Recovery

Total Mold Business Index for March 2010: 44.7

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Four Key Uses of Prototyping

Prototyping helps evaluate and test a design, clarify production costs, sell a product and secure patents.

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Managing Bankruptcy Through the Eyes of the OEM, Molder and Moldmaker

Obtaining accurate information of closely-held companies and corporations is difficult.

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Rising Corporate Profits Bode Well for Moldmakers

If you ask any red-blooded, patriotic American manufacturer what he or she is in business to make, the answer should be quick and simple.

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Invent a Product—Not Just Its Mold

When Wayne Sikorcin, owner of Craftsman Tool & Mold Co. (Aurora, IL)—a moldmaker turned mold base builder—got frustrated tying water balloons at a family picnic several years ago, he decided to turn that frustration into innovation by using his moldmaking background, experience and connections to develop, design, prototype and mold a device that would tie a knot on a water balloon.

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Michigan Tooling Group: A Total Solutions Provider

Established in 2005, the Michigan Tooling Group (MTG) was formed to be a Best in Class, total solutions provider for tooling and related services.

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Street Cred: Capitalizing On Current Conditions And Best Practices

There are areas of opportunity for your business, but all may require changing or adapting to capitalize. Change is the single most difficult characteristic to successfully manage for any business at any stage, let alone in times like these when change is so prevalent and harsh.

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Doing the Math on Your Moldmaker's Value

About this series: For those charged with raising the sales of a mold building company, differentiating one’s company from the competition is fundamental. This quarterly series features actual examples of the front-line representative of a mold building company presenting new approaches to improve the customer’s profitability.

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Polishing: Trends and Opportunities

Polishing industry trends “mirror” those in the moldmaking industry: shorter leadtimes, new growth opportunities/diversification and process improvement via technology advances.

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MoldMaking Technology Magazine
Custom mold components from Regal Components
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Mold Machining
Molded to Perfection
Progressive Components