MMT Blog

Cutting Tools

Checklist for Long-Reach Toolholders

Moldmakers hoping to avoid problems such as chatter, poor tool life and molds that fail quality control muster need to consider a variety of factors when selecting a long-reach toolholder.


Improve Profitability with Supplier Collaboration

Developing a strong and effective supply chain can benefit both the moldmaker and its customers.

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Case Study

Striking a Balance with Global Production

Due diligence and the right business model gives Burteck the flexibility to reap the rewards of overseas mold manufacturing while limiting potential drawbacks.

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Time-to-Market Strategizing

Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) Insight from Vic Baez. 

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Getting the Most Bang from Your Metrology Buck

These strategies can help maximize the life of your metrology equipment while minimizing the total cost of ownership.

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Helping to Feed the Industry

Erie, Pennsylvania-based Plastikos and Micro Mold help to feed the industry with future qualified skilled workers by supporting local high school manufacturing educational programs with necessary equipment.   Of note is their work with Central Tech High School to revitalize its Tool & Die Program.

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Upping Your Game with Sampling

Over the years there has been a definite trend in mold manufacturers upping their "molding" game with either sampling services or full production molding capabilities. Here is one such company making the investment.

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Last Chance to Enter Leadtime Leader Competition

Today is the last chance to take advantage of an opportunity to earn the respect of the entire industry—and to have your achievements recognized with an article and video in MoldMaking Technology.

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A From the Trenches Reshoring Perspective

My perspective on reshoring is a unique one filled with do’s and don’ts lessons from the trenches. I have owned businesses on both sides of the ocean, which has given me an opportunity to see the effects of reshoring from both sides.

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VIDEO: The Value of Collaborating with Competitors

This story about a palletized HMC offers lessons about more than just technology. It also demonstrates the value of keeping lines of communication open with peers.

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The Designer's Edge: Newsflash on Flash

Flash is something everyone involved with injection molds has dealt with at some point, and at times it can be very challenging. However, over the years I have learned that flash is impossible to have if three conditions are met--two of which fall directly on the mold.

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Custom mold components from Regal Components
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SolidCAM World 2024
MoldMaking Technology Magazine
An ad for Formnext Chicago on April 8-10, 2025.
SolidCAM World 2024