MMT Blog

A Look Back on a Year With MMT

Here’s a look back at some of the articles from the first half of the year that helped me—and, I hope, you—learn more about this industry and the technology it employs.

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Testimonial about a New HMC

CS Tool Engineering, a mold manufacturer in Cedar Springs, Michigan, credits the addition of a Makino a82 HMC with a pallet changer and modular fixturing system for reducing setup time by half.


The 10 Most Popular Blog Posts of 2014

Well, another year has come and gone. While reflecting on the industry's past 12 months, I did some number crunching to see what the top blog posts of 2014 were to shed some light on the type of quick content that grabbed your attention.

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A Key to Meeting Mold Building and Molding Demand

Fairway Injection Molding Systems’ growth strategy is doing business right with the right clients--long-term, strategically profitable companies whose business models align with that of Fairway’s.

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Supply Chain

Reshoring: Perception Doesn’t Match Reality

A recent study claims the ratio between U.S. manufacturing imports and gross output declined in 2014.

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Bottlenecks Determine Machine Purchases

A lot of planning went into the decision Industrial Molds Group made when purchasing new machine technology and renovating its existing building. Better work flow to help maintain good scheduling to meet lead times was a primary goal, and making the right machine purchases helped them attack production bottlenecks.

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What’s Your Shop Have in Store for Christmas?

Holidays can be a great time to show your appreciation for what is arguably the most important resource for any business: people.

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CAD/CAM Helps Shop Move Up and On

KA Tooling now manufactures more than 100 high precision molds a year.

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Case Study

CAD/CAM Allows Moldmaker to Make Big Moves

KA Tooling says its CAD/CAM software provided the necessary confidence to invest in additional CNC machines and move to larger facilities to meet the growing demand for injection molds.

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3D Printing

Additive System Produces Functional Plastic Parts

Arburg’s freefomer system builds plastic components from the ground up with the same, pelletized material as a plastic injection press.

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Last-Minute Toy Shopping?

Only five days left until Christmas, but if you're still looking for toy gifts, this virtual tour of the plastic injection molding factory with the inventor of K'NEX toys will not only show you how millions of these parts are made each year and how the toy came about, it may give you some gift ideas before it's too late.

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Personality-Based Learning in the Shop

Sound familiar? It should. It is a similar method to the one our 2014 Leadtime Leader Winner Westminster Tool uses within its shop to educate and train employees. However, this post shares an article on research that shows personality-based learning can be the key to creating great employees and even better project teams.

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MoldMaking Technology Magazine
Progressive Components
SolidCAM World 2024
Custom mold components from Regal Components
YCM Technology (USA) Inc.
Molded to Perfection
Progressive Components