MMT Blog

Dedicated Electrode Design Module Revolutionizes Copper Electrode Production

A tooling manufacturer says the combination of a new Sodick EDM AG60L spark eroder and switching to Vero Software’s dedicated electrode design module, VISI Electrode, has completely revolutionized the production of their copper electrodes.

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Manufacturing Productivity Still Rising Steadily

It is not an exaggeration to say that the only way that we can ensure a brighter future for everyone in this country is by consistently raising our level of manufacturing productivity.

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Buy American to Support U.S. Manufacturing!

We promote American Manufacturing in this industry. Let’s do the same outside of our workplaces. The Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) has expressed strong support for legislation to strengthen Buy America preferences, close loopholes, and improve transparency in the federal waiver process.

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Warriors at Work

Another moldmaking industry supporter reaches out to help our veterans. Thanks to the entrustment of four new CNC machines by Haas Automation, Workshops for Warriors increased its class sizes by 300 percent. Pictured standing from left to right, Long Huynh, W for W CEO Hernán Luis y Prado, Tom Chandler, Zac Dinsmore, Clifford White, Thomas Alvarez, James Hebner. Pictured kneeling from left to right, Frank Anicoche, Shayne Schuppert, James Moreno Jr.

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The iWarriors Mission Continues

iWarriors—an organization founded to donate iPads to wounded warriors—wants to reach a goal of $50,000 this year. Can you help them?

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The Hybrid Mold

Hybrid cars, hybrid flowers, hybrid corn, so why not hybrid molds?

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CMM Increases Moldmaker’s Capabilities and Customer Base

With Linear’s recent expansion and equipment additions, we are becoming a full-service production supplier of aerospace parts using additive manufacturing technology.

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How EDM Training Can Boost Productivity

Even the shortest of training sessions provide the opportunity to recover any costs incurred in a very short time.

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Think Metric

One man builds an argument for designing and building in metric. Part 1

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Electronics and Power Generation

U.S. Computer Industry Is in Early Stages of Recovery; Electric Power Industry Rebounds from Cyclical Low-Point

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Two Strategies for Securing Skilled Labor

A number of mold manufacturers reveal their clever solutions to the workforce development dilemma—from hiring retirees to recruiting the young.

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An ad for Formnext Chicago on April 8-10, 2025.
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