MMT Blog

AMBA Reports: Mold Building Industry Remains Strong

The numbers reported by more than 80 different firms across the United States in AMBA’s most recent economic survey indicate a more positive outlook on future growth than expected, and the outlook for the moldmaking industry in general seems strong and steady.

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This Time Is Different

There are concerns this year about another round of debt ceiling debates combined with the austerity imposed by the recent sequestration. But this time will be different.There are a couple of factors that will support the recovery this time around that were missing in previous years, and these factors will be enough to promote growth in the second half of this year.

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Join the Competition!

Take a road trip this summer and join more than 5,000 students and teachers to compete in the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference!


With Many Milestones Being Hit This Year, Here Is a Big One

This year has been a celebration of many anniversaries for companies serving the mold manufacturing industry with their technology and services. From the American Mold Builder's Association celebrating 40 years to Slide Products on its 60th, here is yet another company hitting a giant milestone with its machine tool technology development celebrating 80 years.

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Amusing Advice

I'm sure getting to know your customers' needs is a constant challenge when trying to retain current and obtain new business. And I'm sure many of you visit your customers to gain insight into their businesses and products. Well, I came across a different perspective on a customer tour: a new tour methodology called AMUSE, which stands for Accelerate activity, Minimize input, Upgrade output, Simplify transition, and Eliminate activity.

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Gimme a Break .. I Mean, Take a Break

Take a break this Wednesday afternoon and join MMT as we host a webinar to show you how some winning mold shops are molding good parts at first shot.

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Trade Agreement Could Impact Our Economy

An interesting tidbit came across my desk yesterday about the potential signing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and how it could affect our relationships with international trading partners.

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Push the Boundaries

Is the theme of this year's AMBA Annual Convention, and according to the organizers it is set to challenge attendees to step out of the box and look at their mold building operations from fresh new angles.

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At the Moment, the Good Outweighs the Bad

Total retail sales in the US jumped 1.1% in February when compared with the previous month. This was a much stronger showing than most analysts expected, and it suggests that the recent increase in payroll taxes is not affecting consumers as negatively as many predicted it would.

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Adding New Technologies Adds up to New Business Opps!

Today’s mold manufacturers need to constantly reinvent themselves and think outside the box to grab new business opportunities. Linear Mold & Engineering added a CMM to solidify an aerospace niche.

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Rethinking Robots Close to Home

Close to MY home, that is. The Rodon Group of Hatfield, PA--about 15 minutes from my office--who we've covered in MMT is excited about its newest employee--a recently acquired Baxter, a new category of robot.


Boots on the Ground at Mega Moldmaker Rexam

  Last month I paid a visit to Rexam Mold Manufacturing to see firsthand how the company is incorporating automation into its operations with the Mega-Cell—an automation station that involves a number of leading manufacturers and suppliers.

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YCM Technology (USA) Inc.
Custom mold components from Regal Components
SolidCAM World 2024
Progressive Components
Molded to Perfection
Plastic Mold Steels