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"Made in the USA" Certification?

Come find out what this is all about at amerimold expo on June 13 when a "certified' company takes the show floor to present "Made In The USA: Supporting The Plastics Industry – The Timing Is Right!" How one moldmaker uses American pride to support our industry while getting young adults to look at manufacturing as a career.


Come find out what this is all about at amerimold expo on June 13th when a "certified" company takes the show floor at 11am to present:  Made In The USA: Supporting The Plastics Industry – The Timing Is Right! How one moldmaker uses American pride to support our industry while getting young adults to look at manufacturing as a career.

Made in USA Certified, Inc. is a leader in independent third-party assurance verification for genuine Made in USA products and services. Their Seal of Certification assures the consumer that the Made in USA, Product of USA, Service in USA claim is true.

According to R&D/Leverage--a full-service plastic product solutions company--resurgent U.S. on-shoring of manufacturing holds both supply chain efficiencies and marketing appeal to both customers and employees; hence R&D/Leverage® is the first to be certified “Made In The USA®” structural brand development/moldmaker.

"We are proud of our Made in the USA designation, for both our own accomplishments and because it represents the strength and innovation of the U.S. Plastics industry,” says Robert Schiavone, R&D /Leverage Global Marketing Director. “When you examine all the elements of the job, from quality to time-to-market, to overall cost, the U.S. plastics solution is extremely attractive to our customers,” Schiavone addds. “And for those customers seeking certification will look  for suppliers that already have won the designation.”

“Experienced military veterans as well as younger folks, two groups that will help lead us in our business' future, respond very positively to the Made in the USA designation,” he notes. “This is a banner that will help us attract the best and brightest of tomorrow’s Plastics industry superstars, and re-ignite interest in U.S. industry amongst some just entering the workforce.”

Added Made in USA Certified’s CEO and Co-Founder, Adam Reiser, “The United States has always dominated the plastics industry. Our country is known the world over as having undisputed quality, workmanship, design and production. This is one leadership position the United States should strive fiercely to protect. We are so pleased to have R&D/Leverage as the very first Made in USA Certified Structural Brand Development and Mold Manufacturer in the U.S.”

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