MMT Blog


In the Trenches: Mold Repair is a Challenge Worth Choosing

We developed this series to not only provide some camaraderie and encouragement—so you know that you are not alone in the trenches—but also to share some personal struggles, lessons learn and tricks of the trade. And, if in the course of this series we receive feedback, you will have done the same for me.

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3D Printing

CMM Increases Moldmaker’s Capabilities and Customer Base

With Linear’s recent expansion and equipment additions, we are becoming a full-service production supplier of aerospace parts using additive manufacturing technology.

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Two Strategies for Securing Skilled Labor

A number of mold manufacturers reveal their clever solutions to the workforce development dilemma—from hiring retirees to recruiting the young.

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Chugging Along

If all goes according to plan, then the weight of the fiscal austerity will start to ease in the second half of this year. Real GDP growth will ratchet up to 3% in the third and fourth quarters. In 2014, the rate of growth will rise to 4%. This may seem like an overly optimistic forecast in light of our present circumstances. But given the current low interest rates I think that the only way we will not hit these growth rates is if Congress does something really stupid like shut down the government. All of the Fed’s stimulus will likely come back to haunt us in the long run in the form of high inflation, but in the short term I believe it will certainly result in a faster pace of economic growth.

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Taking in the View

Now I know I'm supposed to share with you technology and business strategies that I learn about from covering your industry, but you cannot blame me for saying that the main thing I learned from my trip west earlier this month was that Rancho Cucamonga, CA, has INCREDIBLE mountain views! This I experienced with my buddy Tim (Bartz), as we pulled up for our tour of Prestige Mold.

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Measure Your Performance

It's time to see how you stack up. So consider being a part of the American Mold Builder’s Association second annual industry benchmarking survey. It's open to all industry moldmakers and the end result provides comparative performance data--both operational and financial. This information will help you identify and evaluate growth opportunities, while creating a stronger, more profitable operation.

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One Small Step Towards a Balanced Budget, One Giant Step Towards Insanity

The good news is that if the economic recovery continues to accelerate, then revenues will continue to increase and the deficit will shrink further. And that is the crucial point in all of this. The Republicans and Democrats continue to bicker about who should pay more taxes and whose benefits and loopholes should be eliminated, but by far the best way to balance the budget would be to grow the economy.

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Did You Know It Is National Engineers Week?

Gardner Business Media, which owns MMT, and sister publication Modern Machine Shop collaborated with SME Education Foundation and AMT to produce and distribute a video of GE Quality Control Engineer Becky Miller explaining manufacturing careers to young people.

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MMT Goes West

It has been a year since I headed out to California for the one trip to which I really look forward--to escape the wintry weather here in the east and see the bright beautiful sun, blues skies and snow-capped mountains, all in 70-degree weather; oh and to attend the Plastec and MD&M West shows.

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Tool Steel

Celebrating a Solution for a Sticky Situation

In MMT we focus a lot on surface treatment challenges and solutions, so this little tidbit caught my attention. Life changed 60 years ago for a man selling steel to mold builders when the need for "unsticking" plastic parts from molds revealed an opportunity for a new product--silicone oil in an aerosol can. This evolved into the first mold release – and foundation – of the new Percy Harms Corporation, predecessor of Slide Products, which celebrates its 60th anniversary in the injection molding industry this year.

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Manufacturing and the State of the Union

In his State of the Union speech last night, President Obama outlined a broad and ambitious agenda for his second term in office. One of his stated objectives is to increase the output of America's manufacturing sector.

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An ad for Formnext Chicago on April 8-10, 2025.
MoldMaking Technology Magazine
Molded to Perfection
Custom mold components from Regal Components
SolidCAM World 2024