MMT Blog

Improving Sequential Molding

For large injection-molded parts, a servo-driven valve gate system can improve surface finish and part performance.

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Proving the Advantages of a Servo-Driven Valve Gate System

One innovation for improving sequential injection molding centers around the use of servomotor technology.New servo-driven valve gate systems incorporate a toggle-type mechanism that operates the valve pin position at 90 degrees from the servomotor stroke.

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Legacy Precision Molds Aims for Ingenuity in Every Job

This Michigan moldmaker strives to deliver quality molds through ingenuity, "nimbleness" and a dose of home-grown integrity.

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Cooling Is a Hot Topic

Mold cooling is one of the most important elements to mold productivity because it can greatly impact cycle time and part quality, which of course affect the bottom line ... your profitability. Check out these two upcoming webinars that tackle a variety of mold cooling challenges and solutions.

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Young Leaders: Blazing New Trails

Today I’m happy to be able to blog about the third honoree of three who were honored at the recent Annual Meeting of the Technology and Manufacturing Association (TMA).

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Standardizing Inspection

Standardizing inspection on a single software has allowed this automotive toolmaker to lower training expenses, offer greater staff flexibility and improve CAD compatibility.

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Looking for Ways to Reduce Energy Costs?

Then consider areas in the machining processes that unnecessarily consume energy. For example, machining center idling, unnecessary pump rotation and continuous running of peripheral equipment. Managing these areas can save a shop a lot of money. This is the subject of a white paper I came across recently that reveals how shops can achieve significant energy savings using the right CNC control to reduce power consumption during machine operating and waiting times.

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How Much Are Those Free Estimates Costing You?

Everyone says that time is money, yet many mold builders throw it away at an alarming rate by quoting for free. Check out what one cost estimator and automotive lighting specialist has to say about this industry challenge. If companies were to start looking at their costs to provide these ‘free’ quotes, they’d be surprised at just how much this is costing them.

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Get On The Chain, Gang!

For a while now I have marveled at the ways folks in our industry can communicate today. There are so many resources, most of which are very accessible, like LinkedIn or Facebook, and then there are those that are more “exclusive”, I guess you could say.

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Getting Busy

We have been following Cardinal Manufacturing for a few years now. We've featured them in print, online, at trade events and in videos. This innovative high school vocational manufacturing program is still growing! I recently caught up with founder Craig Cegielski and one of his students Lauren Jaskowski to get an update on what they are working on now, and boy, are they busy! Busy building with a virtual architect, among many other things.

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Honoring a Leading Woman in Manufacturing

Last week I blogged about Jim Hommer, Sr., who was honored with the Technology and Manufacturing Association’s Winzeler Award at its Annual Meeting earlier this month. Today I’m going to tell you about the second of three honorees from that event: Francine Petrucci.

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The Designer's Edge: Component Protection

Today Randy reviews how to protect mold components to reduce downtime and repairs, during mold setting, pulling, transporting and storage.

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Custom mold components from Regal Components
Progressive Components
YCM Technology (USA) Inc.
MMT Today enews
Molded to Perfection
Mold Machining
Plastic Mold Steels