MMT Blog

Molds for Clean Water

When I received the release that Industrial Molds Inc. (MMT's 2012 Leadtime Leader Award Winner) was selected by Kohler Co. to oversee the manufacture of six molds to help create the Kohler Clarity water filtration system to be used to help bring clean drinking water to those who need it, I had to share the story.

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Leadtime Leader

Keys to Longevity

Last year's 2015 Leadtime Leader Honorable Mention is still going strong, and celebrating its 40-year anniversary.

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Amerimold 2016: Bigger and Better Than Ever

We’re setting records here at MMT, and it’s all to do with Amerimold Expo 2016!

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MMT's April Digital Edition Is Available

This month we cover hot runner technology, cutting tools, supply chain management, CAD/CAM, mold repair and the appliance and medical industries.

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Disconnect to Reconnect?

It seems like everyone is working harder than ever today. It’s difficult to dial down when you have continual connectivity with work all day and even at home via various electronic devices. Most of us spend more time at work than at play. So how can we help employees disconnect in order to reconnect and feel happier in their work?

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Mold Components

The Designer's Edge: Cleaning and Maintaining the Mold in the Press

Randy discusses cleaning and maintaining the mold in the press to reduce downtime.

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Supply Chain

Major Drivers of Reshoring Successes

According to Reshoring Initiative’s 2015 Reshoring Report, rapid job loss has been stemmed, but there are still huge challenges to bringing back the 3-4 million manufacturing jobs previously lost to offshore.

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The Next Industrial Revolution is Here

Many people think that Industrial Revolutions are firmly in the past, that there’s nothing that significant on the horizon for manufacturing like there was at the turn of the last century. But they would be wrong.

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Kids, Machines and Manufacturing Days

Students from a dozen Chicago area high schools toured GF Machining Solutions’ front office, warehouse and demonstration center during its Manufacturing Days event.

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Eliminate Software Clutter

An all-in-one mold design strategy can streamline the mold building process and increase accuracy.

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Manufacturing Film Festival

High schools partnered with manufacturers in a video challenge to educate students about career opportunities in manufacturing, and you can be a part of selecting the winner to be honored during a film festival next week.

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Giving up their Saturday Mornings for What..?

Here's a shop that knows how to lure teens out of their beds to come and learn about manufacturing on a Saturday morning! Who would have known?

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YCM Technology (USA) Inc.
Mold Machining
Custom mold components from Regal Components
Progressive Components
An ad for Formnext Chicago on April 8-10, 2025.
Progressive Components