MMT Blog

Observations on Overseas Tooling

Darcy King of Windsor, Ontario-based Unique Tool and Gauge shares his thoughts on the challenges and compromises of Chinese tooling.

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Mold Components

TMA Celebrates Distinguished Members at 90th Annual Meeting

A little over a week ago, I attended the Technology and Manufacturing Association’s Annual Meeting during which awards are bestowed on distinguished members for their work on behalf of the TMA and the manufacturing industry as a whole.

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Make a Case for Your Favorite Product in MMT

Like Sherlock Holmes, I’m looking for clues. The right clues will lead me to uncovering the facts about products that have significantly impacted the operations of moldmakers and molders. So readers, consider this a call for case studies!

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Making the Rounds and Making a Difference

Robert (Bob) Novak, Associate Dean for the School of Applied Technologies of Waukesha County Technical College has been keeping MMT informed on his moldmaking program for years. Despite it continuing to grow each year, he never stops promoting.

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Moldmaker Makes Its Single Largest Capital Investment Ever

Since winning MMT's 2013 Leadtime Leader Award Honorable Mention this mold builder has not stopped growing. Investment planning for its new automated work cell that is set to be installed later this summer began a year ago.

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Plastic Injection Molding from Pellet to Part

This series of articles examines the injection molding process, through which a plastic pellet is transformed into a plastic part.

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Finding Your Roots... In Manufacturing

Have you ever wondered where your drive to become “a maker” stems from?

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Make a Local Connection, See Innovations and Test Your Leadership

Looking for a way to treat your mold manufacturing team to an evening of fun, all the while having the chance to view new products and services, network with colleagues and help a great industry cause?

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The Designer’s Edge: Cooling Issues and Options

Randy discusses the ins and outs of water cooling options, including water manifold location, maintenance issues, flood systems and bubblers.

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Mastering Micro-TIG Welding

Successfully meeting customer expectations for micro-TIG welding mold repair demands a certain level of knowledge and technique.

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Did You Have A Super Tuesday?

Well, it’s late at night and almost all of last night’s Super Tuesday presidential primaries have called their results. Participating on March 1 were the states of Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont and Virginia. Was anyone besides me watching the results come in?

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Cutting Aluminum Faster

Sometimes high-speed CNC machinery with the latest software can cut much faster, requiring less EDM work.

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Custom mold components from Regal Components
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