

Selection Criteria for Laser Scanning Technology

With the right choices in scanning and software technology, mold manufacturers can achieve several advances in their inspection and measurement processes.

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Ratio Analysis: Injection Molding

This ratio analysis published by SPI can be used to show the estimated effect of 20, 30 and 40 percent cycle reduction for just one mold, one press or a whole plant. Just change the Sales dollars at the bottom of the table to change the profit dollars.

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Try a Three-Step Hiring Process

With finding skilled workers continuing to be one of the industry's biggest challenges, maybe it's time to try something different. How about a three-step hiring process that includes job analysis, online recruiting and screening, and job fit testing?

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Video: Printed Molds Slash Development Costs, Lead Time

When testing prototype injection-molding parts reveals the need for design changes, this manufacturer realizes significant savings by printing new tooling rather than machining it.


‘Tis the Season for a Spotlight on Consumers

You know what annoys me about this time of year? The hyper-focus on consumer spending. Everybody wants to express an opinion about whether or not consumers are going to spend a lot during the holiday shopping season. I am going to try to avoid adding noise to all of this holiday hype. But that does not mean that the recent trends in the data that measure consumer fundamentals are not relevant.

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Shark Tank Anyone?

I admit it: I'm a fan of "Shark Tank." I'm actually chasing a Made in the USA mold story lead based on one of the products "the Sharks" helped fund, but this post is about another Shark Tank winner and the inspection/additive manufacturing technologies used to bring his product to life.

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NVision Helps "Shark Tank" Winner Expand Product Line

NVision's laser scanning is making it possible for us to economically expand our product line by developing magnetic clips that appeal to specific market segments, such as a ribbon for breast cancer awareness," said Rick Hopper, President of ReadeREST.

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Handheld Scanner Improves Quality of Complex Castings for LED Fixtures

Handheld scanner is a portable scanning device, which is capable of capturing 3D geometry.

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Think Metric, Part 3

Insight from several technology suppliers—in design software, mold components, programming, machines, cutting tools and measurement equipment who have been following the metric trend—may help to make the transition a smooth one.

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Integrating Electrode Production

How CAD/CAM can help make the design, machining and inspection of electrodes completely integrated.

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An ad for Formnext Chicago on April 8-10, 2025.
MoldMaking Technology Magazine
Progressive Components
Molded to Perfection
YCM Technology (USA) Inc.
Custom mold components from Regal Components