Some Tidbits to Share
Despite the distraction of the nice weather, gorgeous scenery and lovely hotel, here are some of the findings from the SPI's Equipment & Moldmakers Summit--Leading Through a Climate of Change I attended in Florida this week.
Despite the distraction of the nice weather, gorgeous scenery and lovely hotel, here are some of the findings from the SPI's Equipment & Moldmakers Summit--Leading Through a Climate of Change I attended in Florida this week.
Healthcare Reform: How It Impacts Your Company: Organizational strategy and the entire employer value proposition for employees.
Recruiting and Retention for Long Term Engagement: Screening and selecting candidates, best practices, compliance obligations.
Smartforce Development:: Strategies that AMT and its member companies use to improve the pipeline of the next generation of young people into careers in manufacturing.
America’s Workforce Imperative: A Manufacturing Training Strategy: The impact the skills gap is having on companies and what some are proactively doing to solve the workforce development crisis.
A Primer on Growing Your Own: Requirements to implement an apprentice program.
Answers to the Chaos of Managing People: Research in adult learning, multimedia training, and knowledge management systems.
Superior Energy Management: Energy management resources for industry to assist them in continually improving their energy performance.
Superior Energy Management: Economic opportunities of strategic energy management developed and implemented by Harbec for the past 10 plus years.
Taxes 2013 and Beyond: Interplay between the budget battles in Washington and tax reform and the threats and opportunities of tax reform for business.