MMT Blog

Planned Workholding Increases Mold Shop Productivity

Planned workholding using a modular clamping system is a part of the lean approach to world-class mold manufacturing.

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Reaping the Rewards of Reshoring

Bringing offshore work back in-house results in streamlined processes, clearer communications and quicker delivery times.

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What's to Blame?

We all know that the skills gap is a huge problem, but who or what is to blame? Some look to college as the source of the problem, but have we forgotten the fact that until a year ago this industry (and virtually all of manufacturing) was in a state of long-term and rapid decline? Shops were closing, business was rushing to China, schools were dropping classes due to lack of funding, and all of America was demanding "every day low prices." College was a choice that was (falsely in many cases) offered as an alternative to the seemingly dead-end choice of learning a trade. This situation was created by the free market, and it will only be solved by the free market. Let me explain.

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Lending a Hand--Literally!

Meet Daniel, an Indiana boy whose life was changed by a prosthetic arm, and see how what you do for a living really can make a difference.

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The Craze for All Things American Made

The tremendous focus on American-made products and American Manufacturing over the past few years has prompted one organization to survey the internet for some top websites and blogs on the subject, which I wanted to share with you.

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Reap The Benefits of Investing in New Equipment!

Over the years I have written a great deal about mold manufacturers who reap the benefits of investing in new equipment. In today’s world of mold manufacturing, it is vital to keep abreast of the latest in technology and equipment to offer your customers complete solutions.

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New Tooling Forum Established

The Original Equipment Suppliers Association has formed a Tooling Group to provide a forum for tool makers (tool and die fabricators as well as fixtures and gauges) to discuss industry issues, share best practice information, work together to solve issues that affect the entire value chain.

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Moldmaker Hones in on Medical Projects

Matrix Tooling Inc. of Wood Dale, IL takes on projects others say can’t be done. It’s their niche. With about 70 percent of its business in the medical arena, their facility has a cleanroom for developing medical parts such as a smaller than four-inch long cartridge for a surgical stapler to suture veins.

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A Warranted Sense of Optimism

In both good times and bad (and there seems to have been more of the bad times in recent years), moldmakers expect that the future will be better. And why not? One of the great cultural hallmarks that the U.S. and Canada have shared throughout their respective histories is that the future is bright. Moldmakers are typically self-starters and hard workers, and the only thing that could sustain these traits over a long period time is the dogged belief that you can make tomorrow better than today if you are willing to put in the effort.As an economist, I am frequently prone to just the opposite view. It is no accident that economics is nicknamed “the dismal science.”

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Making What Matters

A “Make What Matters" campaign has recently been launched to recognize those who have make contributions to the advancement of North American manufacturing. It is nice to see companies that applaud their customers' efforts instead of merely selling their products!

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MoldMakers Giving Back

Since I began covering moldmaking 15 years ago, I've discovered two very important characteristics of the men and women who make up this industry--besides their craftsmanship and technology know-how--passion and generosity. And here is just one current example of those qualities. Westminster Tool has contributed $30,000 to fund and support the new Manufacturing Technology Center at Quinebaug Valley Community College.

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Brighter Days this Summer for Moldmakers

The American Mold Builders Association just released its Summer Business Forecast whose participants are executives from 90 mold building companies, representing nearly 3,000 shop floor and design employees. And the survey says ... Mold Building Industry Continues to Stabilize.

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MoldMaking Technology Magazine
An ad for Formnext Chicago on April 8-10, 2025.
Molded to Perfection
SolidCAM World 2024
YCM Technology (USA) Inc.
Custom mold components from Regal Components