MMT Blog


Mfg Will Play a Vital Role in Hurricane Sandy Recovery

While I am blessed that my family and home are safe after Hurricane Sandy’s wrath, we did lose power for five days and it was challenging staying connected and getting my work done—as evidenced by the laptop/iPad office I set up in my car while charging my cell phone. An email from the Alliance of American Manufacturing hit home. We need manufacturing to help us recover—and move on!

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iWarriors 2012 Challenge Has Been Set

MoldMaking Technology magazine is an honored partner of the iWarriors program, and today we help them announce their 2012 Challenge to mold builders across the nation. In 2011 iWarriors raised more than $35,000.00 to support Marines returning from battle in Afghanistan and throughout the Middle East, many of whom return with horrific injuries. Read how donations to this worthy program bring much needed family time to a Marine or other service member, who may be hundreds or even thousands of miles away from his or her family.

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Workshops for Warriors

Francine Petrucci of B A Die Mold passed along to me information on a wonderful organization called Workshops for Warriors, which is a San Diego-based, non-profit organization dedicated to providing free job training and certification to veterans.

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Putting Aluminum’s Benefits to Work

A look at heat transfer of aluminum molds.

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Five Axis

Why Your Next VMC Should Be a HMC

High technology raises the bar for productivity gains.


Aerospace & Packaging

Production of Aerospace Products and Parts is Accelerating; Plastics Packaging Demand Will Exceed Growth in the Overall Economy

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Advice for Hitting the Moving Target of Succession Planning, Part 2

Steps companies can take to make the transition process smoother and easier.

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Strategic Partnerships Speed Time-to-Market Process

Westminster Tool Inc. (Plainfield, CT) has found forming strategic partnerships with key suppliers crucial to bringing its customers’ products to market faster.

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In Simulation We Trust

Are you taking full advantage of simulation technology?

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Making Your Technology Investment Pay Off

If you want to make sure that your technology investments pay off, ask yourself the following four questions prior to each purchase.

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Wirth Tool & Die: Ensuring Molds are “Worthy” of the Company Name

Wirth Tool & Die (Lannon, WI) has been in business since 1966 and this family-run business has survived the industry’s rocky times and credits its small but dedicated workforce and its creative vision as key to its perseverance.

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One Last Pitch before You Vote

This is my last blog posting before the election next Tuesday, so I thought I would offer a few final comments about the proper role of politics in our economy. You can call this my competitive philosophy for government.

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Progressive Components
SolidCAM World 2024
YCM Technology (USA) Inc.
Custom mold components from Regal Components
Molded to Perfection
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