Progressive Components

Take an AAM Coffee Break This Morning!

Grab a cup o’ joe and pull up a chair by your computer or tablet and join Scott Paul, the President of the Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) for a virtual online chat about the state of manufacturing.



AAM President Scott Paul will be the keynote speaker at Tech ManufactureXPO at 9.a.m. He points out that makers, academics, techies and entrepreneurs gather to talk shop at this annual conference—on manufacturing topics ranging from design to development. And, you can participate from your computer! Ask questions of panelists, and pop in and out as you please.
“I believe if the United States plans to get its real economic mojo back, a vibrant manufacturing sector will have a major role to play,” Scott says. “American manufacturers must be on the cusp of that next big thing, and that’s why I’m excited to be giving the keynote address.”
Click here to register, and view the agenda here.


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