MMT Blog

amerimold 2013: Bringing New Talent Up to Speed

Missler Software Technical Director Bill Genc couldn’t think of a better place to show new employees the moldmaking ropes.

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Supporting The US Plastics Industry –at Amerimold 2013

Bob Schiavone of R&D/Leverage started off his presentation last week with two questions: (1) How many in this room are hiring? and (2) How many here think Made In America is as strong as ever? And the discussion and interest grew from there.

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Lessons from amerimold 2013 – Part 2: Bring the Kids

One of the really good ideas I heard discussed at the amerimold 2013 tradeshow and conference last week involved making the show “kid friendly.” We can all acknowledge that one of the biggest problems facing the North American moldmaking industry at the present time is the “skills gap.” Further, there is a strong consensus that one of the main reasons for this gap is a shortage of young people entering the trade.

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Total MoldMaking Business Index for April 2013: 49.0

Our latest survey of the North American moldmaking industry indicates that overall activity levels slipped a bit in April. The MoldMaking Business Index for April 2013 is 49.0 (a value less than 50.0 indicates a decrease in business levels for the month). The latest index value is a 2.2-point decrease from the March value of 51.2, and it is a 5.8-point decrease from the 54.8 value posted in April 2013.

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“Riding” the Mold Maintenance Highway!

This year’s amerimold saw the debut of an aisle devoted to mold maintenance equipment and products, which was organized by Progressive Components.

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A Visit with Crest Mold Technology at amerimold

My walk through the exhibit hall included a visit with Crest Mold to see up close and personal how immersed the company is in R&D efforts.

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SPE Names Moldmaker and Mold Designer of the Year at amerimold

The Mold Making and Mold Design Division of the Society of Plastics Engineers, Inc. --a sponsor of the ENGINEER block of conference sessions as amerimold--named its 2013 Mold Maker and Mold Designer of the Year Award recipients during our event in Rosemont, IL last week.

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Establishing and Educating a Mold Buyer and Building Team

The conference portion of the Expo—both our new show floor Knowledge Center presentations and our three-track technical conference program—received attendance levels not experienced in a few years.

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amerimold 2013: Establishing and Educating a Mold Buyer/Mold Builder Team

The conference portion of the Expo—both our new show floor Knowledge Center presentations and our three-track technical conference program—received attendance levels not experienced in a few years.

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Moldmakers on Display at amerimold 2013

Several moldmakers pulled double duty—walking the floor to see the newest in equipment and technology—and manning their own booths to showcase their wares.

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iWarriors at amerimold 2013: Publicity for a Worthy Cause!

This first-time exhibitor raises awareness about its organization that donates iPads to wounded warriors.

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Party Pleasing at amerimold 2013!

As usual, attendees and exhibitors had a blast at the annual Networking Party last Wednesday night.

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MMT Today enews
Progressive Components
Molded to Perfection
SolidCAM World 2024
Custom mold components from Regal Components
Custom mold components from Regal Components