MMT Blog

Competition is Good

Losing business overseas motivated this moldmaker to re-engineer its tools, improve its processes and stand by its customer, ultimately winning the business back.

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Benchmark Your Injection Molding Simulation

Use benchmarking to gain confidence in your modeling, material and simulation capabilities, then use the simulation results to guide future design.

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Video: Pushing Made in America; Made Right Here

Tech Molded Plastics has been a reader and supporter of MMT and amerimold for years, sharing their story, attending our events and lending their expertise. They made their local news to highlight their Made in America efforts.

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Increase Coolant Pressure Without a New Pump

These coolant lines are designed to provide a solid jet directly to the cutting zone while reducing captured air.

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MMT Visits Linear Mold to See Additive Mfg in Action

Linear Mold & Engineering opened its doors to us to talk about how they’re using additive manufacturingI to grow conformal cooling channels inside mold inserts and to make production parts for the aerospace and medical industries.

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Enter MoldMaking Technology's 2015 Leadtime Leader Awards Today!

If innovative, efficient, quality-driven and committed describes your shop, then you have what it takes to be a leader.

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An Education that’s Worth the Trip

Cutting tool manufacturer Ingersoll recently dedicated a day and a half of classroom instruction and demonstrations solely to our corner of the industry.

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Meet Celeste Boies

Celeste began college as an undeclared science major, and realized that she had a passion for looking at how things work (and how they can be made better) from the smallest building blocks of the material or process on up.

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Passion for How Things Work (and How They Can Be Made Better)

Two young engineering enthusiasts at Westminster Tool take different approaches to solving part and mold problems in an effort to make the end product better.

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Meet Ben Hu

In five years Ben sees himself handling mold design on his own, while gaining a better understanding of how to utilize CFD analysis for mold troubleshooting.

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Meet Alex Orphanos

He believes his greatest assets to Westminster are his openmindedness, courage to pursue something new and calm composure, which comes in handy during challenging situations.

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Brains Are Valued Resources

"Our brains are valued as a resource, or another tool in our tool box," says one Westminster employee who credits the freedom and encouragement to experience various company positions and the opportunity to train and continually learn with helping him excel at his job.

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Molded to Perfection
Custom mold components from Regal Components
MMT Today enews
YCM Technology (USA) Inc.
MoldMaking Technology Magazine
SolidCAM World 2024
SolidCAM World 2024