MMT Blog

Throwback Thursday: The Science of Simulation

From evaluating part, mold and process designs and improving mold cooling to reducing plastic part warpage and determining the best gate locations, simulation plays a key role. MMT has provided a series of articles on just these topics, which I thought I'd share.

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GBI: Moldmaking for October 2016 - 46.1

Medical, electronics and aerospace markets see growth amid contraction.

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SLIDESHOW: Technology Showcase, Inspection and Measurement

No matter what size moldmaking operation you may own or work at, you need inspection and measurement at critical stages of the process to drive efficiencies and profitability. So here are a few of the latest products we’ve heard about that you may also wish to see.

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President-Elect Trump… Now What?

Donald Trump won the election. The people have spoken, and soon he will be inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States. Now what?

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Press Supplier Turned Partner

MMT has covered the value of strategic relationships with technology suppliers over the years. We've even reported on this mold builder's partnership before, but today they've kicked it up a notch.

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Throwback Thursday: How to Handle Your Heaviest Molds

Many companies use heavy-duty cranes to move molds through their shops, but the larger the molds get, the harder it must be to use a crane safely and efficiently.

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A Solution for Spindle Repair

Getting a spindle repaired or replaced to get it back up and running is critical in any shop, but that is often not a simple process. Take a look at this spindle repair shop's solution.

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SLIDESHOW: Technology Showcase, After K

By all accounts K 2016 was a success. According to show management, attendees were delighted with the wealth of new technical developments presented by raw materials producers, machinery manufacturers and producers of semi-finished and technical parts. Here are some technology highlights.

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You Don’t Have to be a Big Company to Make a Big Impact on Your Community

New AMBA educational outreach program promotes the sharing of ideas and strengthens communities.

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Throwback Thursday: Mold Side-Actions

Demands for improved quality, lower costs, shorter production times and increased part complexity persist, so this two-part series on thinking "outside of the box" when it comes to side-action methods is still very relevant.

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Mold Builders Express Positive Outlook as Work ‘On Hold’ Decreases

OESA and Harbour Results release their Q2 2016 Automotive Tooling Barometer data. While the industry experienced a slow start to the year with more than $2 billion in tooling capacity not leveraged during the first quarter, it has since taken a turn in the right direction.

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Magnetic Matters

Understanding the benefits and limitations of different magnetic workholding technologies will help ensure that they are used appropriately and to their full potential.

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MMT Today enews
Progressive Components
SolidCAM World 2024
Custom mold components from Regal Components
An ad for Formnext Chicago on April 8-10, 2025.
MoldMaking Technology Magazine
YCM Technology (USA) Inc.