MMT Blog

3D Printing

Keeping Up with AM Technologies

A global review and analysis of the technologies and applications of additive manufacturing and 3-D printing.

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Overall Business Levels Strengthen

Total Mold Business Index for October 2011: 55.7

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Increase Profits Through Decreased EDM Electrode Wear

Recent advancements in the technology behind low-wear capability have drastically improved the machining speeds at which low-electrode-wear application settings can be applied.

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Case Study

Clean Room Addition Expands Medical Moldmaking Niche

Micro Mold Co., Inc. and Plastikos Inc.—sister companies both based in Erie, Pennsylvania—recently completed a medical-focused facilities expansion with the addition of a clean room to further serve its medical customers and secure new business in this growing industry.

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Six Best Practices for Mold Design

A few key mold design strategies can go a long way in improving your mold building operations and customer support.

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Case Study

Craftsmanship, Customer Satisfaction Keys to Success

Custom Mold & Design (CMD; Minneapolis, MN) designs and builds fully interchangeable, fast-cycling, high-precision injection molds.

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Small Sampling of Product Introductions at NPE2012

Showcase of technology for the plastics and end-user industries.

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New Resources Enable International Attendees to Make Their NPE2012 Visit Easier, More Productive

Assistance from SPI and the U.S. Government Helps to Simplify Attending a Great Plastics Exposition Located ‘at the Crossroads of International Trade’

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Apply Your Moldmaking Know-How to Aerospace Work

If you are looking to diversify the jobs you machine and venture into the aerospace market many of the toolpaths and cutting techniques can be used with some modifications.

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Five Ways to Bridge the Skills Gap

As the U.S. moldmaking industry continues toward economic recovery, finding the right worker for the job is a huge concern. In the past, entry-level machinists could be hired with little experience; yet today’s computerized machines and higher levels of automation demand a deeper skill set, even for beginners.

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Diverse Mold Offerings Sustain Moldmaker, Secures Future Business

Pelco Tool & Mold, Inc. (Glendale Heights, IL)—a producer of close-tolerance, high-quality tools for the closure, food and beverage, personal care, and medical industries—designs and builds a plethora of molds, including, single face and stack, rotating ratchet ring (RRR), conventional unscrewing, strip, side-action, collapsible core, compression, front-loaded core, insert and prototype.

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Understanding Customer Expectations

An informal survey reveals what OEMS are looking for in their tooling vendors.

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MMT Today enews
Mold Machining
Custom mold components from Regal Components
MoldMaking Technology Magazine
An ad for Formnext Chicago on April 8-10, 2025.
Progressive Components
YCM Technology (USA) Inc.