MMT Blog

“We're All in this Together”

The president of the Chicago AMBA reports that members seem more open to sharing compared to previous years.

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Skilled Labor: Light at the End of the Tunnel?

The NIMS recently announced that it awarded a record number of credentials last year--nearly 60 percent more than in 2012.

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Positive Growth Continues for U.S. Plastics Manufacturing

Interested in the size and impact of the U.S. plastics industry as well as global business trends, partners and hot products? Well, here are some details from a recent SPI report.

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Conformal Cooled Molds Are Not Just for Small Molds

If you appreciate the amount of true engineering that goes into a design like this, ask yourself if the U.S. automotive industry is behind the curve by not using more and advanced conformal cooled molds.

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Specialized Apprenticeship Training

We hear plenty about the lack of skilled workers within our mold building facilities, but we can't ignore the fact that that same problem plagues our technology suppliers. Here is one steel producer's take on this challenge.

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Planning to Expand? Lay the Foundations Now

If you haven’t already done some legwork, you might have to wait longer than you think when you’re finally ready to build that add-on or new facility.

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The Keys to a Good Worker

There is a lot of talk about the educational system being focused on making the next generation of workers 'college ready' as opposed to 'workforce ready.' See this video report featuring an Illinois plastics processor that employs a job skills assessment system to combat this problem.

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Constructive Criticism

Feedback from a molder helps this shop deliver what customers want.

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Take the Guesswork out of Windage with Warpage Simulation

Applying Kentucky windage to a mold is not for the faint of heart.


The Kentucky Windage Solution in Simulation Reduces Warpage

Using simulation to bias your mold and reduce warpage.

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CAM Reduces Cycle Time when Machining Mold Bases

Feature recognition, CAM capabilities and machine controller interaction can reduce cycle time when machining mold bases.

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An ad for Formnext Chicago on April 8-10, 2025.
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