MMT Blog

Preparing for Takeover Tooling

With the right preparation, moldmakers can insulate themselves from takeover tooling crises and add greater value to the molder.

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A New Beryllium Standard

A proposal to set a lower exposure standard for beryllium and beryllium-containing materials will affect how the plastics industry handles and processes these materials.

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Mold Materials

3S for EDM

Applying the sort, set and standardize principles of 5S to EDM operations can increase efficiency by minimizing waste.

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Finding, Training & Retaining Employees

In this multi-part series of articles, contributor Ryan Pohl, a journeyman CNC machinist who also holds a master's degree in industrial training and development, addresses the skilled-labor shortage and its potential to dramatically hinder the future sustainability and growth of the moldmaking industry.

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Partnering Up for Safety

To better protect industry workers, a proposal was issued in August by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) that would set a new, lower exposure standard specifically for beryllium and beryllium-containing materials. The proposed beryllium standard is consistent with the Model Beryllium Standard and contains the key elements of Materion’s Beryllium Worker Protection Model (BWPM) which focuses on the control of multiple potential exposure pathways.

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In the Trenches: Mold Repair

In this multi-part series of articles, contributer James Bourne, a tool repair supervisor and freelance writer, shares his own personal struggles in the business, as well as lessons learned and tricks of the trade garnered along the way.

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Case Study

New Era, Same Winning Formula

This company succeeds by staying up-to-date on technology and being willing to do a bit extra in the name of customer service.

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Experimenting with 3D Printing

Evaluating the use of this technology will help you determine where to make the smartest investments.

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Jig Boring for Mold Base Accuracy

Mold performance and durability depends on mold base quality, and hole making is a crucial step in the process.

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Hand Scraping Craftmanship

Hand scraping is the process of using either a manually or motorized-driven scraping blade to remove very small amounts of metal from a precision surface to eliminate high spots left behind from the machining process.


The LSR Learning Curve

This increasingly popular thermoset material follows very different rules than any plastic.

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MMT Today enews
An ad for Formnext Chicago on April 8-10, 2025.
Progressive Components
Custom mold components from Regal Components
MoldMaking Technology Magazine
SolidCAM World 2024
Progressive Components