How to Boost Lean Manufacturing with Ultrasonic Mold Cleaning
With its considerable cost savings and reduction in personnel and time, ultrasonic cleaning is a natural corollary to lean manufacturing for the moldmaking industry.
Read MoreActivity Levels Indicate Uptrend Starting
55.2 Total Mold Business Index for September 2009 The total Mold Business Index is a weighted average of the sub-indices for new orders, production, employees, backlog, exports and supplier deliveries
Read MoreTooling Transfer: Sampling Success
Fifteen steps to facilitate a smooth tool transfer between the OEM, new molder and your shop.
Read MoreLaGrow Consulting: Championing for Coalitions
This one-woman consulting firm has made it her mission to help moldmakers establish coalitions.
Read MoreOverall Equipment Effectiveness
Gemba is a Japanese Term, and literally means gathering of the people/actual place
Read MoreIt’s a Small World in the Electronics Market
As electronics devices continue to shrink in size, an opportunity arises to enter the world of micro moldmaking to expand your business
Read MoreTo Rail or Not to Rail
One of the most interesting parts of performing a maintenance capability assessment (MCA) in mold plants around the globe is observing the different styles practiced when repair technicians work on molds. When talking to repair techs about why they like a particular method or tool it is easy to see why they would think there is only one way to do things. It’s simply how they were taught by the older, tenured repair technicians.
Read MoreSupply Chain Risk, Volatility Offer Opportunity
As I write this, reports are circulating about the U.S. economy showing signs of rebounding. But until unemployment begins to rise with any significance and housing foreclosures slow down, I’m skeptical. Without demand, there’s no supply. But as precarious as things are—and as far as U.S. manufacturing has suffered during and before this Great Recession—opportunities do still exist for machining businesses in the U.S.
Read MoreGiving Back
These are tough times in our country and in the industry; however, as I look back, it’s clearly evident that the industry has been very good to many of us.
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