Angela Elsey officially became president of PCS Company on April 1, 2022, and a month later she was out on maternity leave. She returned a woman on a mission to continue the work of her predecessor under his guidance for four months before his official retirement.
It was a pleasure to sit down with Angela to hear her story and feel her passion for the industry and company. Here are a few soundbites from our conversation:
- Going from finance to moldmaking
- “Watering the seeds” of her predecessor
- Always investigating; loves a challenge
- Turns barriers into opportunities to educate
- Developing customer interfacing
- Taking out the unknowns
- “It’s all the little things.”
- Time to re-evaluate and re-tool
- Preparing for a 2024-2025 boom
- Putting more effort behind hot runner products
- Improving customer support with additional technicians and spare parts
- Going more global
- Seeing a rise in special mold bases vs standard mold bases
- Check out the Standard mold base configurator
- Advising interested young women to get into co-ops to experience manufacturing
- “You never want to limit yourself!”
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