Back to School Tools
Our job, as individuals working within the manufacturing community, is to offer our time to help educate the next generation of workers about the career opportunities available in manufacturing.
MoldMaking Technology Editorial Director Christina Fuges shares video recruitment tools.
No matter how old I get, the month of September still reminds me of school days. And although I can still feel the dread of those last few days of summer freedom before heading back into the classroom years ago, I experience more of an optimistic feeling today, as my son gets ready for school, and kids walk past my house on their way to the bus stop.
I feel hopeful and a little excited about the year of learning ahead for these kids, which reminds me that our job, as individuals working within the manufacturing community, is to help with that learning.
What I mean by that, is offering our time to help educate the next generation of workers about the career opportunities available in manufacturing. So many kids today still don’t know what manufacturing is, so getting their attention as early as possible is critical.
If you haven’t already, volunteer to organize or participate in a career day at your local elementary, middle or high school throughout the school year. If you are worried about what to do or say, MoldMaking Technology has a couple of tools to help you get your point across while promoting mold manufacturing.
A few years ago, we partnered with the American Mold Builders Association, Society of Plastics Engineers Mold Technologies Division, the PLASTICS Association, Creative Technology, and NyproMold to produce video recruitment tools that quickly take the viewer through the various jobs and process steps involved in building a mold, and subsequently, the end product. These videos still stand today.
Go to and click on the Manufacturing Education Series video playlist, particularly MoldMaking Matters: Your Career Can Make a Difference and MoldMaking: Your Road to Success.
You can help spread the word by sharing these video resources with your local community, high school parents, educators and industry to grow and train the next-generation workforce while driving interest and awareness in manufacturing.
Manufacturing Day 2019 is Friday, October 4th.
On top of all this, next month on Friday, October 4th, the nation celebrates Manufacturing Day. Industry dedicates this day to showing the reality of modern manufacturing careers by encouraging companies and educational institutions around the nation to open their doors to students, parents, teachers and community leaders via a shop tour, school event about manufacturing, manufacturing-related job fair or career day event. Visit for more tools and ways to get involved.
Both of these suggestions are perfect opportunities to energize your local community about manufacturing.
Get vocal and act local!
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