
Software Improves Five Axis Movements for High Accuracy Parts

CAM-TOOL by CGS North America, Inc. has improved its simultaneous five-axis conversion (auto) function.


CAM-TOOL by CGS North America, Inc. has improved its simultaneous five-axis conversion (auto) function. The process has been updated to decrease movement of unnecessary axis when unnecessary. This reduced movement in the machine resulting in smoother more accurate tool paths. Having less axis to control makes the tool paths easier for the user to create. 

With the ongoing movement towards barrel cutters, CAM-TOOL has expanded its functionality of barrel cutters by adding "3D Offset Cutting" and "Curve Control Along Surface" to the list of many other tool paths that support barrel and lens cutters. When it is combined with simultaneous five-axis machining, this can show large reductions in cycle times all while increasing surface finish.

Component point (control point) rearrangement has been implemented to achieve the smooth movement of the machine tool and obtain the best surface finish possible. It arranges component points at equal intervals to ensure perfect tool paths at the machine. Rearrangement type is "Aligned" and "Alternate", enabling the user to control points even more than before.

Improving the drilling functions in CAM-TOOL has been updated with the addition G01 cross hole drilling. G01 cross hole drilling controls the feed rate when crossing holes. It recognizes the crossing section of previous processes and changes the feed rates accordingly. This is all done automatically by using the stock model to understand where to apply this strategy.  This improves deep hole drilling by reducing the feed rate only at the crossing section, while improving tool life by avoiding chipping when breaking though cross holes.

To help with ease of use, CAM-TOOL has added Show tool shape for preparation of five0axis machining. Users can display the tool shape on the screen and use the mouse cursor to move the tool on the screen to visually see it against their model. The tool axis direction changes the tilt and rotation angle for 3+2 machining, therefore, the direction makes work a smooth process.

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