Milltronics USA, Inc.

Cheto Presents Multifunctional Gundrilling Machine

The Amerimold exhibitor’s innovative deep-hole drilling technology is capable of drilling, milling, tapping and boring all in one with optimized performance, depth and precision.

Grace Nehls, Former MMT Editor


Cheto multitask gundrilling machine.

Photo Credit: Cheto Corp. SA

The multitask gundrilling machine from Cheto is said to be a type of deep-hole drilling machine that maximizes the performance of the drilling tool. Thus, says Cheto, it is possible for the machine to drill holes at great depths and with extreme precision in any type of materials. Cheto’s machines are all in one: They are applicable for drilling (deep-hole and conventional), milling, tapping and boring.


Exhibitor: Cheto Corporation SA

Booth 124 (P)

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