Moldmaking Technology Magazine

SPE MTD Issues Call for Papers for 2021 ANTEC Conference

The Society of Plastic Engineers’ Mold Technologies Division is now accepting a range of submission topics before November 15, 2020. 

Grace Nehls, Former MMT Editor


The Mold Technologies Division of the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE, Detroit, Michigan) has announced that submissions for the 2021 Annual Technical (ANTEC) conference are now being accepted. Mold designers, engineers, makers, researchers and educators, are all invited to present their research and development updates at the session. SPE adds that this would be the opportunity to connect with experts in your field and share great discussions around mold technologies and innovations. Submissions for the following topics are suggested:

  • Innovation in mold design, engineering and making technologies;
  • Mold maintenance;
  • Mold surface engineering and treatments;
  • Mold design education and workforce development;
  • Impact of COVID-19 on the plastic mold industry;
  • And more…

The conference will be held in a hybrid format allowing everyone to participate, present and engage remotely. Last year, the remote ANTEC 2020 conference was a success for the Mold Technology Division, with more than 150 participants to the session and great Q&A discussion. Learn more about last year’s session in the recent MoldMaking Technology article “A Look At Three Mold Surface Effects.”

Submit papers through the SPE website before November 15, 2020. SPE MTD looks forward to connecting with you and learning more about your great achievements!

For additional information contact SPE technical programming chair, Davide Masato at

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