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Mold Technologies Division Calls for Scholarship Applications

Applications for a $5,000 educational grant and $3,000 student scholarship related to plastics manufacturing engineering are open until May 31st.

Grace Nehls, Former MMT Editor


Application example.

Source | Copilot

The Society of Plastics Engineers Mold Technologies Division announces the first-ever Glenn Beall Scholarship for $3,000, as well as grant applications, for up to $5,000. Applications are currently being accepted.

The scholarship is available to undergraduate students enrolled in a plastics manufacturing engineering program or other STEM-related career paths. Application forms are available from the division education chair, Joe Karpinski, at JPKarpinski23@gmail.com and must be received by May 31, 2024 for consideration for the Fall of 2024 Funding.

Additionally, the division is accepting grant applications for a special program or project at a training center, community college or university for use in plastics manufacturing engineering, tooling or plastics design. Application forms are available from JPKarpinski23@gmail.com and must be returned by May 31, 2024.

For additional information, please contact Joe Karpinski at JPKarpinski23@gmail.com, or Scott Peters, division chair, at Scott.Peters@MoldedMarketing.com.

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