We invite you to sit at your desk on March 12th at 2pm to learn how to quickly create complex water circuits, place cooling components, install baffles at various depths, and analyze circuits and cooling results.
The AMBA's annual convention has been an event I look forward to every year since we launched MoldMaking Technology. It has allowed me to make so many critical connections, gain valuable insight, discover industry hot topics and pain points, and establish relationships, even friendships, within this community. And this year's event is shaping up to provide the same.
Southeastern Michigan is an active mold manufacturing area, and amerimold expo 2014 is headed back to take advantage of all that activity for exhibitors and attendees alike.
Once you acknowledge the importance of detecting errors early in the design process, you can begin to look for technology to help you accomplish that goal. That is exactly what Versatile Mold and Design did when it started using a laser scanner and inspection software to verify its electrodes.
With less expertise available, and OEMs and tier suppliers employing fewer technical engineers, they are more reliant on their supply chain for that expertise. With that in mind, the 2014 amerimold technical conference will continue its three-track program to tackle these challenges with a focus on Engineer, Build and Maintain.
It's called "Mold Polishing Technology 2014" and it aims to kick your polishing skills up a notch with classes for beginner, intermediate and expert mold polishers.
I ventured west last week to the Plastec/MD&M West events in California (conveniently missing the snow and ice storms back East) to check out the mold building situation across the country from where I reside, and I was not disappointed.
Interested in the size and impact of the U.S. plastics industry as well as global business trends, partners and hot products? Well, here are some details from a recent SPI report.
We hear plenty about the lack of skilled workers within our mold building facilities, but we can't ignore the fact that that same problem plagues our technology suppliers. Here is one steel producer's take on this challenge.