Leading Innovation in Hot Runner Systems

It Runs in the Family…

Well it must run in the Gardner Business Media family, because our sister publication, Modern Machine Shop (MMS), likes to celebrate Top Shops, too!





MMT readers know how much we love to put moldmakers in the spotlight, especially during Amerimold when we honor our Leadtime Leaders—those mold manufacturers who represent the best of the best in North America, no matter their size or specialty. Leadtime Leaders make the most of who they are (culturally) and what they do (mechanically and technologically) to meet their customers’ needs—and they do it with pride. Well it must run in the Gardner Business Media family, because our sister publication, Modern Machine Shop (MMS), likes to celebrate Top Shops, too!

Top Shops is a benchmarking initiative and honors program developed by MMS. Each year, MMS conducts a survey that is divided into four categories: Machining Technology, Shopfloor Practices, Business Strategies and Human Resources. Participating shops are evaluated and ranked (benchmarked) against industry-leading shops, and honorees are chosen, for each of the categories. Now, they’ve taken Top Shops to another level.

MMS, in partnership with the Association for Manufacturing Technology (AMT), has just announced the technical program and speakers for its inaugural Top Shops Conference, which will be held September 5-7, 2017, in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Conference topics will include five-axis machining, automation, lean implementation, machine monitoring, workforce development, tax credits, sales and marketing and more, plus attendees will enjoy networking sessions, an exhibit room where they can connect with leading supplier companies, and join an off-site facility tour of Major Tool and Machine, a contract manufacturer specializing in large-part machining and assembly for aerospace and defense, among other industries.

David Necessary, event director, says, “The conference is very much an event ‘by top shops, for shops,’ and we’re very excited to introduce this new event that combines benchmarking, best practices and business networking to extend and optimize the value for attendees.”

Anyone who likes to learn about best practices in an array of processes will want to attend the Top Shops Conference. Registration is open. Full event details are available at TopShopsEvent.com.

And remember, it’s never too soon to throw your hat in the ring for the 2018 Leadtime Leader competition. Contact me via email for details!

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