North America’s Premier Molding and Moldmaking Event

Amerimold 2019 Product Showcase, Part 5

Plan ahead for Amerimold 2019 with a sneak peek of some highlighted products from the show’s extensive list of exhibitors!


Plan ahead for Amerimold 2019 with a sneak peek of some highlighted products from the show’s extensive list of exhibitors!

Amerimold is the Event for Mold Manufacturing, an annual tradeshow that addresses the business development, best practices and networking interests of the plastic injection mold manufacturing industry. Attendees are owners, executives, engineers and managers at OEMs and contract manufacturers. Register today for the chance to experience informational Tech Talks, In-Booth Presentations and two new workshops focusing on Additive Manufacturing for Plastics and Medical Injection Molding.

Interested in learning more about which exhibitors will be attending? Check out the leading suppliers of machine tools, mold components, materials, tooling, workholding and more who have taken advantage of the business development opportunities at Amerimold right here.

Featured in this slideshow are products from Ingersoll Cutting Tools, Cold Jet LLC, Prodigy Mold & Tool Inc., Vista Metals Corp. and Shopware Inc.

For more, see:

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