Workforce Development
Ready to Vote: Manufacturers Engage Students One Video at a Time
The Eastern Advanced Manufacturing Alliance is engaging students and promoting manufacturing with a twist by holding its third annual student video competition with the theme “Connecticut Manufacturing - Join the Evolution.” And your vote counts.
Read MoreMaking Another Industry-School Connection
The positive vibe for making manufacturing stronger through educational outreach programs is ringing from coast to coast.
Read MoreSkills Center: Apprentice Training - Setting Expectations
Expectations for employee work habits should be established with each new hire on the first day of work and then followed up on in regular meetings.
Read MoreBuilding a Manufacturing Renaissance
As I was perusing LinkedIn the other day, I came across a post that said, “Looking for manufacturers in the Chicago area who want to partner with local high schools with a manufacturing and engineering program.
Read MoreMotivating Skilled Toolroom Craftsmen
Steve Johnson, president of MoldTrax, has a lot to say about mold maintenance. So much so, that we could not fit it all into his February "Maintenance Matters" column. Here are some extra pointers that didn't make the cut, but are just as important.
Read MoreSkills Center: Apprentice Training - Work Ethic and Attitude
Once a new employee is hired, it is the company’s responsibility to teach that new hire the requirements and expectations of the position, including how to work with good work ethic and a positive attitude.
Read MoreNative Roots Feed Community and Industry
I intended to find some “nugget” of detail that would support an announcement we received about Accu-Mold LLC president Dave Felicijan's appointment to the Groves Advisory Board of the Kalamazoo Valley Community College in Kalamazoo, Michigan. What I learned was far more than I expected.
Read MoreRetrain or Recruit?
How do you tackle the skills gap in your company? That is the question posed in an email I received from Yaskawa Motoman not too long ago, and I thought the insight provided was worth sharing.
Read MoreOut-Takes: Apprentice Backstories
There’s always more of a story to tell when we’re composing features about the places and people of moldmaking. Here are a few that correspond with one of our January feature articles.
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