Did You Know It Is National Engineers Week?
Gardner Business Media, which owns MMT, and sister publication Modern Machine Shop collaborated with SME Education Foundation and AMT to produce and distribute a video of GE Quality Control Engineer Becky Miller explaining manufacturing careers to young people.
Well, you do now! To mark this momentous occasion—and spotlight engineering as viable career choice for women—a new video entitled “Women in Engineering,” showcases the critical importance of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and features Quality Control Engineer, Rebecca “Becky” Miller at GE Aviation (Evendale, OH), describing the work of manufacturing engineering and the reasons why she finds her field rewarding.
Gardner Business Media, which publishes MMT as well as its sister publication Modern Machine Shop collaborated with SME Education Foundation and AMT-The Association For Manufacturing to produce and distribute this video as part of an effort to help educators explain manufacturing careers to young people. SME Education Foundation (SME-EF) is sending the video on DVD—along with a discussion guide—to about 4,800 Project Lead The Way schools and high schools for viewing this week. The video was filmed and produced by Creative Technology Corp.
Click here to read more about this event, including perspective from my colleague Peter Zelinski, a writer and editor for Modern Machine Shop. Pete and Becky share a similar background. Pete graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Cincinnati and first learned about machining by running and programming machine tools in a metalworking laboratory within GE Aircraft Engines. It's a small world!