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amerimold 2013: Bringing New Talent Up to Speed

Missler Software Technical Director Bill Genc couldn’t think of a better place to show new employees the moldmaking ropes.



When I chatted with Bill after the show, he told me that this particular amerimold was likely the “best show for moldmaking” that the company has seen in the past three to four years in this market.  “Traffic at the show was strong—and the quality of leads fantastic,” Bill said. “I got the impression that visitors were there looking to improve their current manufacturing process, and that is key.”

The show was also the perfect opportunity to break in two new team members to Missler, Bill continued. The company recently hired a new salesman and a new application engineer, and this was the first trade show either of them worked.  “It was a great experience for them,” Bill sates. He also noted the amerimold shows are always a very friendly environment.

“It seems that all exhibitors at this show are always willing to share some insight on manufacturing, which makes it a perfect place to bring new talent up to speed,” Bill said. “As Missler Software continues to grow in the U.S. market, we look forward to continuing our presence at the future amerimold shows and using them as a platform to both break in our growing team and get in front of the key people in the mold making market.”

Well said, Bill!

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