RJG Now Offers Autodesk Moldflow Training
RJG offers online and in-plant enrollment to Autodesk Moldflow training courses.
RJG now offers online and in-plant Autodesk Moldflow simulation training courses. This training provides attendees with the knowledge to become efficient at creating digital prototypes, running analyses and interpreting results. The first session of classes began April 2, 2018, and more will be added in Gibsonville, North Carolina, in November.
Students will learn how to do fill, pack, cooling and warpage analyses, evaluate an injection molded part for manufacturability, interpret CAD geometry for runners and cooling lines and learn how to evaluate simulation results to ensure that the results are reliable. RJG will offer the following Autodesk Moldflow courses:
- Autodesk Moldflow Adviser
- Autodesk Moldflow Insight Fundamentals
- Autodesk Moldflow Insight Advanced Flow
- Autodesk Moldflow Insight Advanced Cool and Warp
Autodesk Moldflow Adviser teaches students the features, functionalities and workflows of Autodesk Moldflow Adviser. The class provides hands-on instruction to improve the students’ use of Standard, Premium and Ultimate licenses.
Autodesk Moldflow Insight Fundamentals teaches students the fundamental features, functionalities and workflows in Autodesk Moldflow Insight. The class walks through the entire flow analysis process, from cleaning up a mesh to finding a gate location, solving flow issues, optimizing processing conditions, modeling and sizing the feed system and packing the part.
Autodesk Moldflow Insight Advanced Flow teaches students the different features of Autodesk Moldflow Insight Standard, which were not covered in the Autodesk Moldflow Insight Fundamentals course. Students learn about the more complex analysis types available in Autodesk Moldflow Insight.
The Autodesk Moldflow Insight Advanced Cool and Warp training course covers the features, functionalities and workflows in the Autodesk Moldflow Insight Premium package. Students learn about cooling optimization, warpage analysis, interpreting diagnostic results and more.
To deliver these new courses, RJG hired field expert Ana Maria Marin, who has over 20 years of experience in the plastics industry, specializing in plastics processing simulation. With a bilingual capacity of English and Spanish, she has provided instruction to more than 1,300 corporate customers. Marin also worked as an instructor at Autodesk Moldflow and holds the following credentials: Autodesk Moldflow Certified, Autodesk Authorized Trainer, Autodesk Authorized Author and RJG Qualified Trainer. As an RJG TZERO Consultant/Trainer, Marin’s responsibilities include teaching Part Design for Injection Molding, Mold Design, Autodesk Moldflow and more.
To learn more about these classes, visit RJG online.
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