Bringing It Home
This year’s Euromold was very successful keeping the number of visitors from last year and increasing international attendance.
This year’s Euromold was very successful keeping the number of visitors from last year and increasing international attendance. The event featured 1,354 exhibitors from 37 countries, an international conference, and several show floor exhibitions including an automation cell that demonstrated automation possibilities in the manufacturing of molds and tooling. If you haven’t attended a show overseas, Euromold is one you have to experience, but now you can head to PDx/amerimold in Cincinnati in May! So, how will Euromold’s model be incorporated into our event? Well, you have to visit us in May to find out! But here are some things in the works …
- amerimold exhibition: moldmaking and tooling pavilion
- PDx exhibition: product design and development pavilion
- Digital Domain: CAM/CAD/CAE software, simulation, visualization pavilion
- Innovation Marketplace: world-class product development companies will exhibit and demonstrate how they implement, create and bring innovative new products to market.
- Tech Talk Theater: open-air theater on the show floor hosting a variety of presentations
- Mold Manufacturing Conference Track
- Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing Conference Track
- Industrial Design Conference Track
- Workshops • Keynotes • Plant tours • Networking party
- A co-located MMLive event: global showcase for everything to do with the mass manufacture of small to micro precision parts.
For more details on our event, visit, and stay tuned for information in the magazine, as the event unfolds.