Moldmaking Technology Magazine

Workshops for Warriors

Francine Petrucci of B A Die Mold passed along to me information on a wonderful organization called Workshops for Warriors, which is a San Diego-based, non-profit organization dedicated to providing free job training and certification to veterans.



Workshops for Warriors is a San Diego-based, non-profit organization dedicated to providing free job training and certification to veterans. Founder, Hernán Luis y Prado, was recently named a “Champion of Change” by the White House, a recognition given out to “ordinary Americans (who) are doing extraordinary things in their communities.”

Workshops for Warriors assists the transition of veterans and injured veterans into civilian life through mentorship, training, and education.  A combination of vocational training and real-world job experience empowers veterans, increases their career options, their confidence and self-respect. The feeling of camaraderie in the shop allows veterans to begin networking in order to provide opportunities for challenging and interesting work.

Workshops for Warriors is a Board-governed nonprofit organization that provides vocational training to veterans of the US Armed Services. This hands-on training as well as classroom education ranges from hobby-level skills and access to common tools to fabricating commercially viable products on state-of the art machining systems.  They provide classroom experience, practical training, paths towards vocational certification, work experience, and mentorship programs in order to assure long-term independence and integration into the workforce.

Instruction is offered by skilled veterans, active-duty service-members, and industry experts.

They offer assistance to graduates of the program and previously certified veterans and their entrepreneurial endeavors in the following ways: job placement, work experience, business start-up, administrative/IT support, logistical support, supply/receiving support, website creation and management, equipment, tools and metal stock.


They loan the following equipment to graduates of the program and certified veterans at no cost: diesel welders, sandblasters, air compressors, shop welders, grinders, trailers, forklifts, vehicles, storage and high pressure washers.

In order to provide actual work experience for veterans and be self-sustaining, Workshops For Warriors frequently undertakes projects to help disabled and homeless veterans, the community, and local businesses.  The most recent projects included: fabricating handicapped railings, handicap-accessible ramps, metal cylinder pallets and new doors for a local restaurant.

Veterans are consistently facing significant barriers to employment. The main objective of this organization is to enable veterans to move from economic insolvency into self-sufficiency by learning necessary job-skills and earning a steady income.  Veterans have proven that they are: drug-free, trustworthy, responsible and legal residents of the U.S. Workshops for Warriors has confidence that these young men and women, once given the proper training and experience, will be able to re-integrate seamlessly into the civilian workforce. 




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