Simply Promoting How It's Made
Did you ever have someone just not get what it is that you actually DO as a moldmaker or have to grin and bear the unfunny jokes that for some reason the word "mold" seems to conjure up--whether it's a friend, a relative, an acquaintance, child or adult? Well, through one of my LinkedIn groups I found a video that doesn't do a bad job of simply explaining what a mold is and how it is made. Remember I did say, "simply."
Did you ever have someone just not get what it is that you actually DO as a moldmaker or have to grin and bear the unfunny jokes that for some reason the word "mold" seems to conjure up--whether it's a friend, a relative, an acquaintance, child or adult? Well, even I, as an editor of a trade magazine covering this industry, have experienced the same.
The other day through one of my LinkedIn groups I found a video that doesn't do a bad job of simply explaining what a mold is and how it is made. I thought I'd pass it on. Maybe it will help introduce the concept of a mold to someone you know. Now, remember I did say it "simply" explains!
Let me know what you think, and please share any videos that may do a better job.