FormNext Chicago

Share Your Shirts

Readers continue to snap pictures of themselves and their teams wearing MMT's "Top 10 Reasons to Be a Moldmaker" t-shirts from amerimold 2014.


Put on your "Top 10 Reasons to be a Moldmaker" t-shirt, snap a picture and email it to me at  We'd especially love to see that shirt travel outside of the shop. Get out there and have fun!

Here are two Crest Mold CNC operators. Ryan Tidridge who has been with Crest of four years and Jesse Cipkar who has worked at Crest for one year now. 


And just a reminder about this year's top 10 reasons to be a moldmaker:

10   We can set off a metal detector with our bare hands. 
9      Moldmakers have expanded core values.
8      We firmly believe in tolerance.
7      Moldmakers aren't rough around the edges.
6      We get the opportunity to vent at work.
5      Moldmakers are happiest when the chips are down.
4      We are the only people who are happy to have a cavity filled.
3      We do better setups than a bartender.
2      It's one job where making a negative impression creates a positive result.
No. 1 Reason:   It's a choice: tool or die.
Click here to enter your own for the 2015 t-shirt.
An ad for Formnext Chicago on April 8-10, 2025.
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